Benchmarking Guides







Food and Beverage




Oil Sands

Petroleum Products


Pulp and Paper




Transportation Manufacturing

Wood Products

Guide to Energy Efficiency in Aluminum Smelters

Produced by the Aluminum Association of Canada and Natural Resources Canada's Office of Energy Efficiency, this publication shows how reduced energy consumption can often result in better output performance. Outlined are energy efficiency measures common to all industrial sectors and measures that are specific to melting furnaces in the aluminum sector, including how to optimize burner placement inside reverberatory furnaces.

Order (Cat. No. M27-01-1115E)

Canadian Ammonia Producers Benchmarking Energy Efficiency and Carbon Dioxide Emissions

The benchmarking study helps Canadian ammonia plants identify what opportunities exist for energy efficiency improvements and emissions reductions when compared with their global competitors. The objectives of the study were to provide historical knowledge of ammonia plant energy efficiencies and actual CO2 emissions; benchmark ammonia plant energy efficiencies and CO2 emissions against those of other regions around the world; develop an awareness of best-in-class performance and Canada's position within the international market; and estimate future energy efficiency performance for “world top” and Canadian ammonia plants.

Order (Cat. No. M144-155-2007)

Guide to energy efficiency opportunities in the Canadian Brewing Industry

Energy Efficiency Opportunities in the Canadian Brewing Industry is a joint project of the Brewers Association of Canada (BAC) and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). It is a revised and updated second edition of the original with the same title produced by Lom & Associates Inc., released in 1998 and reprinted in 2003.

The purpose of this new version is to recognize the current activities undertaken by the Canadian Brewing Industry and individual companies of all sizes with regard to energy use, greenhouse gas reductions and the conservation of water. It identifies opportunities for improvements in these areas together with current data from Canada and abroad.

Order (Cat. No. M144-238/2012E-PDF)

Canadian Cement Industry Energy Benchmarking Summary Report

With support from Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), the Cement Association of Canada (CAC) commissioned an energy benchmarking study of Canada's Portland grey cement industry in 2007. This analysis of energy efficiency performance in the cement sector represents a broad and comprehensive review of energy management practices, technical practices and overall energy efficiency performance. This report summarizes the outcomes of the CAC study and is based on a more comprehensive consultant's report.

Order (Cat. No. M144-213/2009)

Energy Benchmark Guide: Cement Clinker Production

This guide focuses on energy used in the production of cement clinker, as all plants produce clinker but do not necessarily produce finished cement.

Order (Cat. No. M27-01-1464E)

Road Rehabilitation Energy Reduction Guide for Canadian Road Builders in Collaboration with the Canadian Construction Association

In April 2004, the CCA Roadbuilders and Heavy Construction Council made energy reduction a priority for the road building industry. With funding from CIPEC, CCA contracted the Athena Sustainable Materials Institute to work with its members on a road rehabilitation energy-reduction guide for Canadian road builders. The recommendations in this guide are based in part on an energy use survey conducted by the Institute.

Order (Cat. No. M144-67/2005)

Energy Performance Indicator Report: Fluid Milk Plants

The study focused on fluid milk processing facilities, including the energy required to transform raw milk into an array of products. The analysis began with raw milk being delivered from the farms to the plant's silos and ending with shipment.

Order (Cat. No. M92-228/2001E)

Guide to Energy Efficiency Opportunities in the Dairy Processing Industry

This guide was produced by Wardrop Engineering in conjunction with the National Dairy Council of Canada, Natural Resources Canada's Office of Energy Efficiency and the CIPEC Dairy Sector Task Force. The guide provides checklists for all processes of the dairy industry along with several no- and low-cost energy-saving ideas. Many no-cost energy-saving opportunities involve preventive maintenance. Also outlined are nine technological areas for possible retrofits that apply to direct process improvements. A range of probable capital costs, savings and payback periods are listed for easy reference.

Order (Cat. No. M27-01-827E)

Energy Benchmarking: Canadian Potash Production Facilities

This report presents an overview of the energy consumption, energy use by type, energy-related GHG emissions and the relationship between energy efficiency and rate of production for the Canadian potash industry. The report also presents inter-mine comparisons of energy consumption for nine conventional mining/milling operations. In addition to the energy consumption benchmarking data, a summary of energy management practices and areas of opportunity for improvement is presented.

Order (Cat. No. M144-30/2004E)

Benchmarking Energy Use and Costs in Salt-and-Dry Fish Processing and Lobster Processing

This benchmarking analysis of the Canadian fish processing sector examines the energy consumption and costs for appropriate production stages for each fish processing group.

The analysis is limited to the ongoing operations of the processing plants, starting with the landing of the fish/lobster and ending with freezer/cooler storage of the final product.

Order (Cat. No. M144-59/2005)

Guide to Energy Efficiency Opportunities in Canadian Foundries

This publication is a practical, concise and systematic guide to improving energy efficiency in a foundry. It was created through the efforts of the Canadian Foundry Association and CIPEC through Natural Resources Canada's Office of Energy Efficiency.

Order (Cat. No. M92-262/2003E)

Energy Efficiency Opportunity Guide in the Lime Industry – Canadian Lime Institute

This Guide has been developed as a practical source of information for lime processors and calcining personnel in Canada. Designed to be user-friendly, it suggests potential areas of energy, utility and associated cost savings for lime facilities and processing operations.

Order (Cat. No. M92-231/2001E)

Benchmarking the Energy Consumption of Canadian Open-pit Mines

The focus of this analysis is the mining and concentration operations of open-pit mines of MAC members. Nine mining/milling operations participated in the project, and the sample specifically included the operations of gold, oil sands and iron ore establishments.

Order (Cat. No. M144-70/2005E)

Benchmarking the Energy Consumption of Canadian Underground Bulk Mines

The focus of this analysis is the mining and concentration operations of underground bulk mines of MAC members. Eleven mining/milling operations participated in the project, and the sample specifically included the operations of both base metals and precious metals establishments.

Order (Cat. No. M144-71/2005E)

Energy Consumption Benchmark Guide: Conventional Petroleum Refining in Canada

This document provides a tool with which a refinery can be compared with others to allow the manager to make reasonable, appropriate decisions about energy use and efficiency.

Order (Cat. No. M27-01-1860E)

Guide to Energy Efficiency Opportunities in the Canadian Plastics Processing Industry

This guide will help plastics manufacturers identify equipment, auxiliary systems and process improvements that will reduce productions costs, improve their competitive position, reduce pollution, and conserve energy, water and other resources. The significant thermoplastic processes that are discussed include profile extrusion, thermoplastic-injection moulding, flat film or sheet extrusion, blow-film extrusion, and blow moulding. The two thermoset processes discussed are compression moulding of thermoset plastic and foam moulding.

Order (Cat. No. M144-151/2007E)

Guide to Energy Savings Opportunities in the Kraft Pulp Industry

This guide is designed to give pulp and paper engineers a practical, concise, step-by-step approach for improving the energy efficiency of a kraft mill. Outlined are energy audits, benchmarking against existing and new mills, technical literature, impacts on mill systems and projecting cost savings.

Order (Cat. No. M27-01-1317E)

Benchmarking Energy Use in Canadian Pulp and Paper Mills

This benchmarking study, conducted by the Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada (Paprican), shows how the sector uses energy. The study found causes of wasted energy, but also revealed that sector best practices are near the theoretical minimums for certain process segments. Its results will help Canada’s pulp and paper manufacturers adopt today’s best practices more consistently across the sector while investigating the best practices of tomorrow.

Order (Cat. No. M144-121/2006)

Energy Cost Reduction in the Pulp and Paper Industry: An Energy Benchmarking Perspective

This document addresses two key questions: What is the potential for energy use reduction in pulp and paper mills and how can this reduction be achieved?

To illustrate the potential to reduce energy consumption and GHG emissions, benchmarking studies were performed for the two largest production segments of the Canadian pulp and paper industry: kraft market pulp and newsprint. In each case, the energy consumption for a modern mill was determined using current proven technology and compared with that for existing Canadian mills.

Order (Cat. No. M92-237/2002)

Energy Efficiency Opportunities in the Canadian Rubber Industry

This guide provides rubber product manufacturers with information on identifying energy efficiency opportunities for their facilities and processes. It also shows how to reduce energy costs and provides a list of questions that can be used in an energy audit.

Order (Cat. No. M92-137/1997E)

Best Practice Benchmarking in Energy Efficiency: Canadian Automotive Parts Industry

This report presents an overview of the sector’s energy consumption and energy drivers, summarizes the responses to the benchmarking survey, and highlights energy-related best practices in this sector. Two self-evaluation tools that organizations can use to rate their energy management practices are also included.

Order (Cat. No. M144-68/2005)

Energy Efficiency Opportunities in the Solid Wood Industries

This guide offers information on energy efficiency opportunities specific to the solid wood industry, new energy efficiency technologies, program assessment and an action plan for natural gas and electrical energy savings. The guide includes a poster that shows potential electrical energy savings as a percentage of total electricity used by a typical sawmill.

Order (Cat. No. M27-01-828E)

Benchmarking Energy Intensity in the Canadian Steel Industry

This study provides background information on energy use in Canada's steel sector, describes the methodology used to develop and apply energy-intensity benchmarks and to establish technology penetration. It also identifies the potential areas for energy savings based on the comparison of sector performance to the international technology-based benchmark level.

Order (Cat. No. M144-125/2006E)

Energy Performance: Benchmarking and Best Practices in Canadian Textiles Wet Processing

The Canadian Textiles Institute, with the support of Natural Resources Canada's Office of Energy Efficiency, commissioned a study in 2003 to benchmark energy performance. This report provides an industry-wide summary of wet processing energy use, performance, efficiency opportunities and best practices.

Order (Cat. No. M4-43/2006E)