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ecoEAF - To Apply

Applicant’s Guide

To apply for a contribution from the ecoEAF, eligible applicants must submit a written proposal as explained in the Applicant’s Guide. The guide is available here:

Applicant's Guide PDF [PDF - 989Kb]

Applications - Schedule

The following is the current schedule for the application and review process:

Start of Solicitation for Project Proposals     December 5, 2012
Final date for submission of Project Proposals  January 16, 2013
Project Selection by a Government Committee  February 1, 2013
Applicants notified of NRCan's decision    February 4, 2013
Negotiation of Contribution Agreements   To follow

The above schedule is subject to change. Any changes will be communicated via this website.

Submitting a Project Proposal

A submission must include a complete project proposal (see appendix 3 of the Applicant's Guide). Failure to provide all of the necessary information will lead to the automatic rejection of the proposal and it will receive no further consideration.

If an applicant wishes to apply for more than one hub, a separate Project Proposal is required for each hub.

An applicant may provide supporting material for any aspect of the proposal.  Applicants are required to submit all of the above documents by 11:59 p.m. EST, January 16, 2013.  It is the applicant’s responsibility to retain proof of time the documentation package was sent to NRCan.  This may be required in the event that NRCan does not receive the documentation package by the deadline for reasons that are beyond the control of the sender. 

NRCan recognizes that e-mail is not a secure means of communication, and NRCan cannot guarantee the security of confidential information sent via email while it is in transit.  Nonetheless, applicants who regularly use email to communicate confidential information within their own organizations may choose to submit their documentation packages by e-mail to:

Applicants may also submit their documentation by courier or registered mail to:

The ecoENERGY for Alternative Fuels Program
Alternative Fuels Programs Division
Natural Resources Canada
580 Booth St., 18th floor,
Ottawa, ON  K1A 0E4

In all cases where applicants submit their application by courier or registered mail, we request that an electronic version on a memory stick or CD-ROM be included in the package, clearly marked with the name of the organization and the title of the project. 

Supporting Documents and Requests for Supplementary Information

If you are providing supporting material, we request that it be in electronic format, preferably PDFor Microsoft format. However, please note that the maximum total size of e-mail attachments is 10 MB. If your electronic submission exceeds the maximum, we suggest you submit the material by courier or registered mail, on a memory stick or CD-ROM, clearly marked with the name of the organization and the title of the project. We request that you restrict additional material to that which is directly relevant to, and in support of, your project proposal.

Supplementary information may be requested at various points in the review process.  These requests will be made via e-mail, and responses should be by e-mail. Any additional material and documentation provided in response as attachments should be in electronic format, preferably PDF.  Presentations by the applicants may also be requested, either in person or by teleconference, during the review process.

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