Geoscience, multidisciplinary and Northern academia research grants recipients
Funding Application Status is currently CLOSED.
GEM-GeoNorth is not currently accepting applications for grant funding.
What do we fund?
The GEM-GeoNorth Program is a continuation of the Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals program (GEM), with a broader scope to reflect today’s realities and priorities in Northern Canada. It continues to bridge the significant geoscience knowledge gap in the North by delivering innovative, cutting-edge and modern geoscientific research, focusing on the unique challenges and opportunities facing economic development in the North.
Through grants, the GEM-GeoNorth Program is looking to support innovative proposals to help develop long-term capacity building in Northern and Indigenous communities and/or enable Northerners to incorporate GEM-GeoNorth data and knowledge in their decision-making.
The GEM-GeoNorth Program incorporates more complementary climate change research than its previous iterations to enhance understanding of the rapidly changing environments, landscapes and coasts in the North; and find ways to adapt to these changes. Research to support climate-resilient existing and future infrastructure related to mineral resources development, along with associated projects, will be conducted.
GEM-GeoNorth grants funds are allocated through a competitive call for proposals process (solicited proposals). Outside of these calls for proposals, unsolicited proposals may be considered if they are directly aligned with the GEM-GeoNorth outputs or outcomes, or both, subject to availability and time.
Eligible recipients are:
- Indigenous organizations and groups
- Canadian and international not-for-profit organizations (including industry, research and professional associations)
- provincial, territorial, regional and municipal governments, and their departments and agencies where applicable
- Canadian and international academic institutions
Grants recipients for the 2021–2024 fiscal years
Find out about the recipients by grant category:
Multidisciplinary research grants
Northern academia research grants
Geoscience research grants
Expanding diamond target areas and characterizing deep deposits in Canada’s North
Full title: Expanding diamond target areas in Canada’s North — Characterizing super-deep diamond deposits and their indicator minerals
Proponent: University of Alberta
Plain language summary: This study uses new technology to determine geologic time scales of kimberlites to assist in identifying indicator mineral chemistry. This analysis can then help to find super-deep diamond deposits.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: Canada’s global position as a diamond supplier is slipping. This project offers new data and technology to evaluate existing deposits to potentially create new mines. Diamond production is an important economic pillar for the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.
Determining rock sequence ages in the Canadian Cordillera to interpret significance of mineralization
Full title: Terrane exhumation in central Yukon and its significance for overlap assemblages in the northern Canadian Cordillera
Proponent: Memorial University of Newfoundland
Plain language summary: This project will support laboratory studies of rocks near Faro, Yukon, to determine their bearing on potential minerals prospectively. This will be done with a laser ablation split-stream method.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: This project will better inform land-use decision makers for future exploration programs. There is currently a knowledge gap on the geologic evolution and history in this region of the Yukon.
Determining the potential for water supply sources from unfrozen ground features (taliks) in permafrost environments
Full title: Numerical assessment of groundwater resource sustainability of river talik systems within continuous permafrost environments
Proponent: Université Laval
Plain language summary: This project will provide critical insights into the potential for groundwater pumping from river talik systems in permafrost environments in Northern Canada to inform water supply stakeholders and to support Northern economic development initiatives. The objective is to assess the potential of river talik systems as water supplies, using Salluit, Quebec as a well-documented example. Guidelines for evaluating other sites will be developed.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: Northern communities will be better able to consider groundwater in river talik systems as a viable water supply. Governments can set guidelines and protocols to adapt to effects of climate warming on Northern communities.
Statistical analyses of surficial deposits with geochemistry to map locations of deposits of precious, critical and base metals
Full title: Predictive mapping for base and critical metal exploration: Correlation of first-order crustal-scale structures and metamorphic bedrock with metal associations in surficial deposits using multivariate statistical analyses and principal component analysis
Proponent: Cape Breton University
Plain language summary: This project will analyze new data from the GEM-2 program to determine the geologic structure of the underlying, deeply eroded rocks. This will be accomplished through a geochemistry analysis of the surficial deposits. The goal is to identify and locate potential deposits of precious, critical and base metals.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: The project will provide an accessible, well-illustrated guide (print and digital) to how lake sediment and till studies are used in environmental assessment and exploration. It will provide examples of using this type of data for planning in infrastructure or land-use projects.
Using artificial intelligence to determine the reworking of sediments in proglacial and postglacial environments to pinpoint deposits of economic interest
Full title: Effect of proglacial and postglacial processes on till composition and dispersal patterns: A data integration study
Proponent: University of Waterloo
Plain language summary: The proposed research aims at understanding the effect of proglacial and postglacial processes on surficial till composition. We propose to combine existing detailed field data and geochemical analysis with innovative machine learning techniques to classify samples by field characteristics and composition and tease out effects of surficial processes (i.e., glacial, proglacial or post-depositional, or a combination of these processes) on groupings and patterns.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: This research will directly contribute to a collaborative project with the Government of the Northwest Territories for an underexplored yet prospective region to pinpoint potential mineral deposits. This project will benefit the Northwest Territories Geological Survey and the local community of users.
Determining the geological timing of the Athabasca–Slave Rivers corridor crustal structures
Full title: Defining the tectonic architecture and protolith magmatic affinity of the Paleoproterozoic south-western Slave River margins using titanite, apatite and zircon U–Pb geochronology as well as zircon Hf–O isotope geochemistry
Proponent: University of British Columbia
Plain language summary: Using geochronology and isotope geochemistry, the study will identify structural shear zones in the underlying geologic structures. This information will help to inform mineral exploration as well as support the documentation of Canada’s seismic hazards in the Athabasca–Slave corridor.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: The findings may be used by all Northerners to assist with mineral exploration and inform local policy and decision makers. The research will also complement the oral Indigenous natural history of the region, more specifically relating to the geology that influenced the formation of the east and north arms of Great Slave Lake.
Geologic dating of metamorphic rock to determine the relationship with gold formation in mountain-building events
Full title: Application of in situ Lu–Hf in garnet and Rb–Sr in mica geochronology to understanding the source of orogenic gold-related fluids and the timing of eclogite exhumation in the Yukon
Proponent: University of British Columbia (Okanagan campus)
Plain language summary: This project will use an advanced analytical method to determine the age origin of garnet- and mica-rich rock formations (eclogite). This new direct dating will be used to assess any possible related gold formation.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: This study will further refine the mineral potential in the eastern Yukon to assist with further economic development of potential mines in the area.
Multidisciplinary research grants
Geothermal energy in Canada workshop
Full title: Geothermal energy in Canada: Development in remote, isolated and Indigenous communities
Proponent: University of Waterloo
Plain language summary: The Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy hosted a 1.5-day hybrid workshop at the University of Waterloo on July 27 and 28, 2023. The workshop explored current activities and developments in all geothermal technologies being used or considered in Canada, focusing mainly on their development and implementation in remote, isolated and Indigenous communities. From this meeting, a synthesis was generated outlining pathways to greater adoption of this green source of energy. Researchers, scholars, policy makers, company representatives and others from across Canada and internationally were invited to participate in this workshop.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: Geothermal energy is a local, predictable, constant, stable and baseload energy source, and is not typically influenced by geopolitics, supply chains or demand fluctuations. It is reliable and weather independent, with negligible greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Canada has a significant number of remote and isolated communities (around 280), mainly inhabited by Indigenous Peoples. These are not linked to a regional electricity distribution network; rather they rely on their own diesel-based systems for both electric power production and heating needs. Hence, a conversion from carbon-based fuels (i.e., coal, oil and natural gas) to carbon-free or low-carbon sources of energy (e.g., geothermal energy) would have a great impact.
Enhanced economic opportunities in the N.W.T. with diamond exploration and exploitation
Full title: Rapid, low-cost spectroscopic characterization of kimberlite indicator minerals (KIMs) in the Northwest Territories (N.W.T.)
Proponent: University of Winnipeg
Plain language summary: This project is designed to apply rapid non-destructive spectroscopic techniques to the characterization of key diamondiferous KIMs in the N.W.T. The project will include, at a minimum, Aurora College, as well as a number of divisions within the N.W.T. Departments of Mines and Minerals, and Business and Economic Development. The goal is to enhance economic opportunities in the N.W.T. via a focus on diamond exploration and exploitation. The project will include a combination of educational and hands-on activities.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: This project will initially involve training and engagement with Aurora College and the N.W.T. government. They will serve as conduits for engaging and training Northerners, and Indigenous organizations and communities. Given the economic importance, widespread nature and multiple stakeholders of diamond exploration and mining in the N.W.T., the benefits of this project should be wide-ranging and impactful.
Nunavut prospector training
Full title: Nunavut prospector training
Proponent: Department of Economic Development and Transportation (EDT), Government of Nunavut
Plain language summary: The objective is to provide more advanced training in the field to examine outcrops and mineralized zones, and improve map reading with a particular emphasis on searching and discovering published geoscience maps and how to use them to assist with prospecting.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: Improved skills and training of Nunavut prospectors are the goal. Nunavut prospectors are increasing their interest and proficiency in exploring for minerals.
North Slave Métis Alliance: Planning for the future
Full title: North Slave Métis Alliance: Planning for the future
Proponent: North Slave Métis Alliance (NSMA)
Plain language summary: Within the NSMA traditional territory, there are dozens of active and inactive mines, exploration projects, and oil and gas endeavours, and endless changes to the landscape for economic benefits. These changes have severe consequences for the land and implications for Indigenous Peoples. Land-use planning (LUP) is a tool used by Indigenous Peoples to better plan for and determine how their lands will be used in the future.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: This project will have positive environmental and cultural impacts on the NSMA community. As described above, developing a land-use plan is critical for the conservation and protection of Indigenous rights across the Northwest Territories. The LUP is guided by members’ traditional knowledge, land use and lived experiences; therefore, the foundation of NSMA LUP will be rooted in members’ relationships to the land, responsibility to care for the land, and holistic approaches to land management and decision-making.
Kivalliq Inuit Association’s geoscience database upgrade
Full title: Incorporate geoscience data, knowledge and information into the land use, water and environmental administration system to support decision-making for management of Inuit Owned Lands (IOLs) in the Kivalliq region of Nunavut
Proponent: Kivalliq Inuit Association
Plain language summary: The objective of this project is to re-design and develop a land use administration application system using the latest technology with long-term support. It would be capable of collecting, managing, analyzing and distributing geospatial information to support and integrate traditional knowledge, geoscience information and environmental data, as part of the land use management, planning and activity reporting on IOLs.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: Incorporating GEM data and knowledge into the lands administration system will allow users to get access to this information, as well as identify what has been done in the Kivalliq region under GEM programs. External users will have the opportunity to plan their projects before applying for a licence by loading geospatial data layers in the web application (including geoscience, water, environmental, land-use and administration areas data). This portal’s crucial information for decision-making will also serve as a learning tool for schools to introduce youth to geosciences, mineral exploration, mine development and environmental management.
Permafrost and remediation of waste sites in the Sahtu region, N.W.T.
Full title: Permafrost integrity and remediation potential of drilling waste sumps in the Sahtu region, N.W.T.
Proponent: Sahtu Secretariat Inc.
Plain language summary: Understanding the fate of past industrial disturbances in the Sahtu region, N.W.T., will be realized through an innovative program focused on studying the role of permafrost as a containment medium. Over two years, 16 community members will be trained in specific issues related to permafrost: stability, monitoring, sampling and the fate of contaminants. This complements existing work by the University of Alberta and the Sahtu Secretariat focused on monitoring permafrost conditions.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: The proposed training program complements a research program led by the University of Alberta, N.W.T. research scientists and the Sahtu Secretariat focused on the impacts, monitoring and remediation of drilling waste sumps in the Sahtu region. The program will train at least 10 students over two years and provide opportunities for community members to participate in the research program, leading to further capacity development in environmental monitoring, remediation and reclamation.
Using photos to build permafrost knowledge in the N.W.T.
Full title: N.W.T. permafrost photo maps: Working together to collect, share and build permafrost knowledge
Proponent: Northwest Territories Geological Survey
Plain language summary: A published photo glossary of permafrost terms defining landforms and a publicly available web app of oblique permafrost photos from across the N.W.T. High-resolution mapping of permafrost features around areas of community interest in the Beaufort-Delta region. Training on the use of the web app, permafrost terrain characterization and emerging technologies completed with environmental monitors from the Gwich’in Settlement Region and Inuvialuit Settlement Region through workshops and field training. A story map sharing the web app, highlighting the data collected by community members and discussing community interests will be generated.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: The project will strengthen collaborations between government, academic and Indigenous organizations. Additionally, the funding will boost the outreach capabilities of the Northwest Territories Geological Survey to create products and provide training.
Building geothermal awareness in Northern communities
Full title: Geothermal resources for energy transition: Building capacity through engagement with Northern communities
Proponent: Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS)
Plain language summary: This proposal aims at raising awareness about geothermal energy in remote communities. The objective is to expose Northerners to new knowledge gained through INRS research and transfer that knowledge through activities that will evaluate the communities’ views, beliefs, expectations and concerns toward geothermal projects. Activities include workshops, questionnaires and structured interviews (i.e., key informant and in-depth interviews). Two-way capacity sharing is expected for this interdisciplinary project.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: Social acceptability is a central issue in the development of renewable energy projects in Canada. This study will provide nationwide indicators about the perceptions of communities in several northern regions regarding geothermal energy development and how this technology could be better accepted by these communities.
Building Sayisi Dene First Nation’s geospatial data capacity
Full title: Building Sayisi Dene First Nation’s geospatial data capacity
Proponent: Sayisi Dene First Nation (SDFN) Land Claims Secretariat
Plain language summary: This project aims to strengthen the SDFN’s capacity to integrate geospatial data into existing and new information systems, including traditional knowledge for use in land-use decision-making. For the purposes of the project, the work plan has been divided into the following phases: 1) initial capacity assessment, geodata system evaluation and draft system design and 2) training, education and iterative implementation of the geodata system.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: The main benefit of the project is to build geospatial data capacity with the SDFN organization and raise awareness for staff and members on the use of available geospatial data. Increased access to technical GEM-GeoNorth data will better inform the decision-making processes in the SDFN community, allowing community members to integrate both traditional and technical information into land management.
Promoting geoscience education and development in Nunavut
Full title: Promoting geoscience education and development in Nunavut
Proponent: N.W.T. and Nunavut Chambers of Mines
Plain language summary: The purpose of this project is to promote geoscience awareness through the Chambers of Mines’ Mining North Works! initiative to enhance mine literacy and to promote careers and training in geoscience-related sectors across the N.W.T. and Nunavut. The Chambers of Mines aim to use various literacy and educational tools to engage Indigenous individuals (i.e., Inuit, First Nations and Metis) to pursue geoscience-related education and careers.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: This funding will expose youth to possible career options that are available in geoscience. Providing this training opportunity will increase geoscience capacity within Northern youth.
Exploring geothermal energy resource potential in the Northwest Territories
Full title: Assessment of geothermal energy resource potential in the South Slave Region of the Northwest Territories
Proponent: Institut national de la recherche scientifique
Plain language summary: The objective is to assess the regional geothermal potential through a multidisciplinary geoscience research study with a special focus on actual energy needs of local communities and end-users, which will lead to a better understanding of the geothermal energy potential in the region.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: The benefit is to determine areas of geothermal potential in geological structures to provide a source of clean, low-carbon energy. Research in this area can be applied to other areas of interest to supply industry and communities with reliable, affordable and sustainable energy.
Holding the Hard Rock Camp
Full title: Kivalliq Regional Science Culture Camp: Hard Rock Camp
Proponent: Kivalliq Science Educators Community (KSEC)
Plain language summary: The objective is to promote a melding of Inuit traditional knowledge and western-based science knowledge through a land-based science culture camp. Science Culture Camp: Hard Rock Camp, to be held in Baker Lake, from September 7 to 12, 2022, will give 32 students from across the region the opportunity to learn on and from the land, about both Inuit traditional knowledge and western-based science knowledge. The camp will expose young people to science on the land, which may help them consider science as a future career choice.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: The benefit is that Inuit and non-Inuit students living in the North can attend a five-day land program focusing directly on geological studies. Communities and schools have an opportunity to use their own criteria to select their own participants to a camp that highlights the importance of education and promotes Inuit culture. KSEC believes that any opportunity to showcase science knowledge is a net benefit to all who live in the North.
Using geoscience data to support decision making in the Kivalliq region
Full title: Incorporate geoscience data, knowledge and information into the land-use, water and environmental administration system to support decision making for the management of Inuit Owned Lands in the Kivalliq region
Proponent: Kivalliq Inuit Association
Plain language summary: The objective is to redesign and develop a land-use administration application system using the latest technology. The new system will have long-term supportability, and it will have the capability to collect, manage, analyze and distribute geospatial information to support and integrate geoscience data and knowledge to enhance environmental, water, and land management planning and reporting. This will assist the process of decision making for the management of Inuit Owned Lands.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: This project will streamline land-use decisions and permitting in the Kivalliq region. Crucial information can be layered to allow for better decision making. The system will be available to the public, which will allow schools to use it as a learning tool to introduce youth to geosciences, mineral exploration, mine development and environmental management.
Building geological spatial data capacity in northern Manitoba
Full title: Building Northlands Dene First Nation’s geological spatial data capacity
Proponent: Northlands Dene First Nation
Plain language summary: This project aims to strengthen the capacity of the Northlands Dene First Nation (NDFN) to integrate spatial geological data into existing and new information systems, including traditional knowledge, for use in land-use decision making. For the purpose of the project, the work plan has been divided into the following phases: (1) initial capacity assessment, geodata system evaluation and draft system design; and (2) training, education and iterative implementation of geodata system.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: This project will produce publicly available lessons which will document a knowledge-based approach to land management, both for the NDFN and for other Indigenous groups.
Northern academia research grants
Yukon virtual geology project
Full title: Building an educational resource about, and raising the profile for, Yukon’s geology: Yukon virtual geology project
Proponent: Yukon University
Plain language summary: This project aims to increase Yukon educators’, students’ and citizens’ awareness of Yukon’s unique geology using online virtual geology field trips. GEM-GeoNorth data and knowledge will inform much of this resource. An initial GEM-GeoNorth Northern academia research grant, covering the period from August 2021 to March 2022, was awarded to build a framework for the development of Yukon virtual geology field trips. This was completed with the guidance of a technical steering committee. The second year of the project, covering the period from April 2022 to March 2023, was a period of significant expertise development for Yukon University faculty and project hires, which ultimately resulted in the development of the project’s first field experiences.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: Providing an educational resource that is accessible online will make high quality geoscience education available to Northerners regardless of socio-economic or geographical factors. Building the capacity of Northerners will be beneficial for the Yukon economy as well as all of Northern Canada.
GeoScience training to support Gwich’in decision-making
Full title: Facilitating the application of geoscience information and tools to support more informed decision-making in the Gwich’in communities of the N.W.T.
Proponent: Aurora Research Institute (ARI)
Plain language summary: The aim of this project is to build on the geoscience capacity building work carried out in collaboration with the Gwich’in Tribal Council (GTC) over the 2022–2023 fiscal year. During this period, the ARI-led project supported the GTC on the invaluable work it did to grow geoscience capacity and initiate the use of geoscience tools across the Gwich’in Settlement Region.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: The project will continue growing the geoscience capacity of the staff at the GTC and the four Gwich’in community Renewable Resources Councils in Inuvik, Aklavik, Fort McPherson and Tsiigehtchic. It will support the development of geoscience tools to enhance decision-making with respect to land use. Growing the geoscience capacity of these staff members will empower them to use geoscience data and tools to support informed decision-making across the Gwich’in Settlement Region.
Building educational resources for Yukon’s geology
Full title: Building educational resources about and raising the profile for Yukon’s geology
Proponent: Yukon University
Plain language summary: This project aims to increase Yukon educators’, students’, and citizens’ awareness of Yukon’s unique geology using online virtual geology field trips. These field trips serve to build public awareness of earth sciences and provide virtual access to remote locations and geological information in an engaging format.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: The series of regional virtual geology field trips that highlight both the breadth of Yukon’s spectacular geology and the role of mining in shaping the territory will be available. Virtual experiences will serve the public, but also secondary and post-secondary students and educators. Tools and guidance for high school educators to integrate these resources into their curriculum will benefit Northern educators as there will be a detailed resource available for them to grow geoscience capacity in their population.
Growing geoscience capacity in the Northwest Territories
Full title: Growing geoscience capacity across the Gwich’in Settlement Area (GSA)
Proponent: Aurora Research Institute
Plain language summary: The aim of the project is twofold. Firstly, the project will grow the capacity of the Gwich’in Tribal Council staff and Gwich’in beneficiaries to use geoscience data and tools to support informed decision making across the GSA. Secondly, using existing maps as well as geoscience data and tools, permafrost thaw will be investigated. The results will be used in simulation models to identify areas that may be prone to slumping and landslides due to permafrost thaw.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: Identifying areas subject to permafrost thaw with increasing temperatures due to climate change is vital in the North. Infrastructure needs to be developed in areas that will be stable terrain for decades to come. The identification of potential hazard areas can be informative in decision making for many different types of development.
Raising the profile of Yukon geology
Full title: Building educational resources and raising the profile of Yukon geology
Proponent: Yukon University
Plain language summary: Using both existing and new GEM-GeoNorth data and knowledge, the project aims to increase the awareness of Yukon’s unique geological regions and features among educators, students and citizens in the Yukon. The University will develop a series of regional virtual geology field trips that highlight Yukon’s spectacular geology and the role of mining, both past and present, in shaping the territory. Tools and guidelines that demonstrate how educators and practitioners can integrate project ideas and outputs into their curriculum will also be developed.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: Yukon University will develop online virtual field trips that highlight Yukon’s spectacular geology and the role of mining, both past and present, in shaping the territory. This online resource will help to build the geoscience capacity of Northerners.
Building geoscience capacity in the Northwest Territories
Full title: Geoscience capacity building for community-based researchers and monitors
Proponent: Aurora College
Plain language summary: The project aims to build an interactive digital map tool that explains in plain language relevant GEM datasets (e.g., surficial, permafrost, lithological and mineral deposits) and their roles in climate change monitoring and mineral strategy management. The project will also create an instructional video that explains how to use the tool. Another objective of the project is to develop material and deliver courses on the use of geoscience data in climate change or on best practice methodology for the collection of geoscience data samples, or both, to community-based researchers and monitors.
Summarized benefit to Northern Canada: This new tool and instructional video will provide an accessible teaching resource, utilizing multiple datasets. This online resource will help with building the geoscience capacity of Northerners, and will give them the skills and training that they need to participate in many sectors of the economy of Canada’s North.
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