Status: Paused
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About the consultation
The purpose of this intentions paper is to provide information and an early engagement opportunity to seek views and input on offshore sub-seabed geological CO2 storage. This and future engagement activities will provide Indigenous groups, provincial and territorial governments, stakeholders, and the public the opportunity to provide their views.
Who we are consulting
- Indigenous groups
- Provincial and territorial governments
- Stakeholders
- Public
How to participate
The department is interested in hearing your views on the potential development of a framework to regulate sub-seabed geological CO2 storage in the offshore.
Please provide your perspective and feedback on each of the discussion questions listed on Let’s Talk Natural Resources.
Questions for consideration
To guide consultation, some questions to consider include:
- Do you see offshore CO2 storage as an economic/transition opportunity and what are the limits to helping achieve decarbonization targets?
- Are onshore sectors (e.g., cement) interested in storing emissions in the offshore area?
- What sectors could you see benefitting from CO2 storage in Canada’s offshore area?
- Please flag, any potential negative impacts in relation to specific industries or stakeholder groups of offshore CO2 storage.
- Please flag any potential barriers in relation to specific industries or stakeholder groups for offshore CO2 storage.
- What key considerations need to be addressed to build a more robust understanding of the CO2 storage potential specific to the Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific offshore areas?
- Are there other measures that would be needed to complement success of an offshore CO2 storage regime?
- What aspects should be considered in relation to the transportation and storage of CO2 onshore prior to being permanently sequestered in the offshore?
- How could a CO2 storage regime consider Canada’s marine conservation goals among other traditional and emerging ocean uses?
- What do you consider the environmental risks of CO2 storage in the offshore? How can these be mitigated?
- What research is needed in this field?
- How should CO2 storage interact with coastal communities, other ocean users, and industries?
- Are there features from other jurisdictions’ offshore CO2 storage regimes that Canada should explore? Are there elements that Canada should avoid?
Related links
- Capturing the opportunity: A Carbon Management Strategy for Canada - Natural Resources Canada
- Regional Energy and Resource Tables – Newfoundland and Labrador - Natural Resources Canada
- Regional Energy and Resource Tables – Nova Scotia - Natural Resources Canada
- Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter
- Disposal at sea -
- Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999
Contact us
If you would like to obtain more information on this engagement initiative or have questions, please email: