The Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act (the Act) became law on June 20, 2024. The Act creates the mechanisms necessary for the Government of Canada to effectively support Canadian workers and communities to seize the historic opportunities of the shift to a low-carbon economy, while fostering the creation of a more sustainable, inclusive and prosperous future for generations to come.
Guiding principles
The Act introduces guiding principles to inform collective work at the federal level to create an equitable and inclusive future that supports sustainable jobs, climate action and energy security.

Accountability to Canadians
The legislation establishes a process for accountability to Canadians by designating a single minister with overall responsibility for implementation of the Act, along with consultation requirements with other ministers to ensure key perspectives are considered.
The Act requires the Government of Canada to publish Sustainable Jobs Action Plans every five years, beginning in 2025. These action plans outline the measures the federal government will put in place to facilitate and promote economic growth; advance the creation of sustainable jobs; and support workers and communities in the shift to a net-zero future. The Act also requires the Government to regularly report on the progress made through the action plans so Canadians can judge the progress for themselves.
Engagement with Canadians, stakeholders and partners
The Act establishes engagement mechanisms to ensure that Canadians, partners and stakeholders can contribute to the development of the Sustainable Jobs Action Plans. This includes a Sustainable Jobs Partnership Council that will engage with Canadians at all levels to inform independent and annual advice they will provide to the Government. The Partnership Council will be composed of members who represent trade unions, Indigenous Peoples, industry, environmental non-governmental organizations and other key stakeholders that reflect Canada’s regional diversity.
In addition, the minister will encourage submissions from interested provincial and territorial governments, Indigenous Peoples, and other key experts, partners and stakeholders, such as non-governmental organizations, labour, and industry to inform the development of the Action Plan.
Effective governance and implementation
Recognizing that building a prosperous low-carbon economy and workforce will involve the effort of a number of federal departments, the Act provides federal governance structures to ensure horizontal consideration and implementation. This includes:
- Creating a Sustainable Jobs Secretariat to help implement the Act, support the Sustainable Jobs Partnership Council, coordinate work across federal departments, and serve as a source of information for Canadians, especially workers and employers
- Requiring the Governor in Council to designate a responsible minister with overall oversight of the Act and fulfilment of its provisions. It also requires the designation of specified ministers whose portfolios require their significant engagement and input on sustainable jobs measures and actions and who will be consulted closely on actions, such as the preparation of the Action Plan and the Government’s response to the Partnership Council’s annual report. This approach recognizes that no single minister has the mandate and tools to address all economic and social policy elements.
- The minister of Energy and Natural Resources has been named the minister responsible for the Act and the minister of Labour and Seniors and the minister of Employment and Social Development have been named as specified ministers for the Act through the Governor in Council on June 27, 2024.
- Creating linkages with the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act to ensure that the labour market and economic impacts of emissions reduction measures are factored in as we take the necessary action to address climate change. This will help support Canadian workers and communities with the skills and supports they need to thrive in the global shift to net-zero emissions.