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Forest carbon accounting tools

The forest carbon accounting team at the Canadian Forest Service has spent decades developing various tools and software to meet Canada’s international forest carbon reporting requirements.

Much of this work is available free-of-charge to the forestry community to:

  • encourage the management of forest resources
  • reduce carbon emissions
  • increase (where appropriate) terrestrial carbon sinks
  • help mitigate climate change

These tools and software also support:

  • national mitigation analyses
  • forest policy development
  • decision making



  • Abstract Network Simulation Engine (ANSE): reads and runs harvested wood products (HWP) models that are designed for this software
    • National Forest Carbon Monitoring, Accounting, and Reporting System for Harvested Wood Products (NFCMARS-HWP) model: used by the Canadian Forest Service to produce the annual HWP carbon component of Canada’s national greenhouse gas inventory report
    • Carbon Budget Model for Harvested Wood Products (CBM-HWP): a generic HWP carbon model for training or adaptation purposes

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