The Hydrogen Strategy was released in December 2020, and positions Canada as a world-leading producer, user and exporter of low-carbon hydrogen and associated technologies. Natural Resources Canada engaged with stakeholder groups, provincial and territorial governments, and Indigenous partners to develop a strategy that will help set us on the path to meet our climate change goals of becoming net-zero by 2050.
Download the Strategy (PDF, 8.8 MB)
NEW Canadian Hydrogen Codes and Standards Roadmap
Hydrogen technologies are evolving rapidly and gaps in codes and standards present a significant obstacle to their widespread adoption. As a key pillar in Canada’s Hydrogen Strategy, and a reiterated priority in the Progress Report, Natural Resources Canada is committed to supporting the development of codes and standards.
Learn about existing gaps in codes and standards along the hydrogen value chain, the priorities of Canadian stakeholders, and proposed actions to address gaps in the short- and medium-term.
Progress Report 2021 to 2024
Since 2021, Natural Resources Canada has continued to engage Canadian businesses, organizations, academic institutions, federal departments and provincial and territorial governments to implement the recommendations of the Hydrogen Strategy for Canada. Learn about Canada’s progress to date, how its low-carbon hydrogen economy is developing, and what’s next in the first Progress Report of the Hydrogen Strategy for Canada.
Hydrogen developments in Canada since 2020
Production, End-Use, Hubs, and Strategies

Text version
Map of Canada showing hydrogen developments since 2020, across the hydrogen value chain. Provinces are shaded based on status of Provincial strategy development: BC, AB, ON, QC, NB, and NS have published strategies; MB, and NL have strategies under development; SK, PEI, and the territories have no strategies. The map has icons showing where hydrogen production and end-use projects are located. Production projects are divided by size and by production type (electrolysis compared to natural gas reforming with carbon capture), and end-use icons include showing projects in truck/bus/fleets, ports, rail, vehicle refueling, blending, heavy industry, or electricity generation. Clusters of activity across the value chains can be found in BC (Vancouver area, Prince George area); AB (Edmonton, Calgary, and Alberta industrial heartland); Ontario (Toronto, Sarnia, and Bruce County); QC (Montreal to Quebec City); and along some of the coasts of NB, NS, and NL.
Source: Hydrogen Strategy for Canada Progress Report (2024) – Map up to date as of December 2023
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