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ARCHIVED - Goal 2: To provide Canadians with sustainable economic, social and environmental benefits derived from natural resources for present and future generations

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Progress Report for Sustainable Development Strategy - Now and for the Future

Objective 2.1 Greater economic opportunities and encouraging investment in innovative and higher-value uses of natural resources

2.1.1 Promote innovation in resource development
Number Description Status By 2003, launch an eco-efficiency toolbox, provide high profile case studies and a develop a communication strategy to promote the adoption of eco-efficiency in industry. Completed. By 2003, develop an information infrastructure to properly identify consumers of recyclable materials and to track consumption patterns of Canadian recyclable resources. Completed. By 2003, undertake research and development activities on recycling and resource recovery technologies to: identify policy drivers and inhibitors; identify areas needing infrastructure change and technology development; and support the testing and evaluation of recycling and resource recovery processes. The project "literature review on recycling technologies of magnesium, aluminum and steel" is ongoing. To be completed by March 2005. By 2003, coordinate mechanisms for the exchange of technologies domestically and to contribute to capacity building globally. Completed. By 2003, support, develop and implement a mix of regulatory, voluntary and fiscal instruments to permit increased uptake of recycling, in conjunction with other government departments. Completed. By 2003, develop and test water-powered mining equipment to replace less efficient compressed air equivalents. Completed. By 2003, elaborate innovative concepts and systems for removing ore from narrow-vein deposits. In progress. The narrow-vein mining projects have been extended to 2005. By 2003, complete demonstration projects to develop and apply hydrogen fuel cell technologies for underground hardrock mining. Completed. By 2001, NRCan will identify new field upgrading processes to produce pipeline-able bitumen and heavy oil to increase the contribution of oil sands and heavy oil to Canada's oil supply while reducing the associated environmental impact. Completed. By 2003, NRCan will establish new management regimes for new frontier areas to ensure the responsible development of resources and to advance sustainable development policy in all frontier areas. In progress. Federal-provincial discussions aimed at developing a management framework to advance sustainable development policy in offshore areas are ongoing.

Objective 2.2 Expanded access to international markets for Canadian resource-based products, knowledge, technologies and services

2.2.1 Increase market access for Canadian resource-related industries
Number Description Status By 2003, undertake new bilateral and multilateral engagement to address regulatory and policy initiatives and to encourage trade liberalization in the minerals and metals industry, the forest products sector, and the energy sector. Completed.
2.2.2 Expand efforts to promote international business development
Number Description Status Throughout 2001-03, continue to undertake trade missions as appropriate, and when possible, led by the Minister. Completed.
Objective 2.3 Increased capacity of communities to generate sustainable economic activity based on natural resources
2.3.1 Develop and disseminate information for community capacity
Number Description Status By 2003, implement Sustainable Communities Initiative in 60 communities. Completed.
2.3.2 Build Aboriginal and community capacity to practice sustainable natural resources management
Number Description Status By 2003, launch a strategic package of initiatives to increase Aboriginal participation in, and benefits from, the resource-based economy, in partnership with other government departments. In progress. NRCan has been working with other federal departments through the follow-up process to the Canada-Aboriginal Peoples Roundtable to explore new approaches for facilitating Aboriginal economic opportunities and for promoting increased Aboriginal participation in the natural resource sectors.
2.3.4 Build infrastructure for sustainable communities
Number Description Status By 2003, approve projects that have demonstrated environmental or energy improvements of 35–50 per cent. Completed.


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