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NRCan 2020-25 Integrated Audit and Evaluation Plan Summary

Table of Contents


Assistant Deputy Minister
Audit and Evaluation Branch
Chief Audit and Evaluation Executive
Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities
Canadian Forest Service
Corporate Management & Services Sector
Communications Portfolio Sector
Departmental Audit Committee
Deputy Minister
Departmental Results Framework
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Energy Technology Sector
Financial Administration Act
Fraud Risk Assessment
Fiscal Year
Gender-Based Analysis
Green Infrastructure
Internal Audit
Impact Assessment Agency
Integrated Audit and Evaluation Plan
Indigenous Affairs and Reconciliation Sector
Institute of Internal Auditors
Information Management
Information Technology
Low Carbon Energy Sector
Land and Minerals Sector
Major Projects Management Office
Non Available
Office of the Comptroller General
Office of the Chief Scientist
Office of Primary Interest
Strategic Policy and Innovation Sector
Strategic Petroleum and Policy Investment Office
Treasury Board of Canada
To be Confirmed
To Be Determined
Treasury Board Secretariat
Transport Canada


The Integrated Audit and Evaluation Plan (IAEP), also referred to as the “Plan”, is prepared by the Audit and Evaluation Branch (AEB) of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). It contains details on the roles of internal audit, evaluation, the AEB’s planning methodology, and the planned projects for fiscal years (FY) 2020-21 to 2024-25.

The Plan provides a roadmap outlining AEB’s future activity. However, consistent with emerging innovations in the respective disciplines, we strive to remain agile in monitoring and adapting to the changing context and environment of our work. Risk assessment and engagement with clients and partners is a continual activity. As new risks are identified, AEB may find it necessary to modify the Plan in consultation with senior management.

The IAEP is developed in accordance with the requirements of the Treasury Board of Canada (TB) Policy on Internal Audit, related directives and guidelines, the Institute of Internal Auditors’ (IIA) International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, Section 42.1 of the Financial Administration Act (FAA), and the TB Policy on Results.

Figure 1 – Four Key Phases of the AEB’s Planning Update

AEB’s approach to planning audits and evaluations is similar to the approaches recommended by the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) and Office of the Comptroller General (OCG). Figure 1 highlights the four key phases common to both the audit planning and the evaluation planning.

Figure 1

Figure 1 - Text equivalent

This figure highlights the four key phases of the selection process when developing a robust Integrated Audit and Evaluation Plan (IAEP). It covers the initial stage where the audit universe and evaluation framework (AUEF) is defined, which consists of an array of potential NRCan programs and/or entities covering a period of up to 5 years, leading to the type of engagement that will be performed by the Audit and Evaluation Branch (AEB)- e.g. audit, evaluation, joint project. The first quadrant represents the potential range of projects, which include departmental programs, processes, policies, management activities and control functions, as well as departmental and government initiatives that collectively contribute to the achievement of the Department’s core responsibilities. The AEB uses the Departmental Results Framework (DRF) as well as NRCan's inventory of external legislated services to ensure that the AUEF’s composition is as complete as possible. There are approximately 24 groupings of auditable entities and 33 performance information profiles, based on the activities that shape NRCan’s sectors and the DRF.

The next quadrant describes the environmental scan performed on the priorities of NRCan and the Government of Canada, respectively, in order to identify projects. A two-pronged process follows, which involves consultations with sector planners and senior management to obtain concurrence on possible audit topics, as well as verify evaluation requirements. The final quadrant outlines the prioritization and selection process, which is based on stated audit and evaluation requirements and the potential to add value to NRCan’s strategic outcomes and operational objectives. Part of this final stage includes seeking approval from the Deputy Minister on the IAEP, which consists of a 3-year plan for audit and 5-year plan for both evaluations and joint projects.

Planning Results: Audit, Evaluation, and Joint Projects for 2020-25

Tables 1 through 3 summarize the internal audit projects, joint audit and evaluation projects, and evaluations planned for the FYs 2020-21 to 2024-25. In total, 71 AEB projects of high priority are planned for the next five years.

Table 1 – Number of New AEB Projects for both Audit and Evaluation Functions

Table 1 does not include unconfirmed OCG horizontalFootnote 1 audits.

Project type 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
Audit Projects 5 6 5 4 3
Evaluation Projects 3 8 6 5 5
Joint Audit and Evaluation Projects 3 4 5 4 4
Total 11 18 16 13 12

Table 2 – AEB Projects Carried Forward from FY 2019-20

Assurance Engagements (6 projects)
Annual Continuous Audit Report (CMSS)
Management of NRCan's Communication Function (CPS)
Classification (CMSS – All Sectors)
Implementation of NRCan’s Open Government Strategy (CMSS – All Sectors)
NRCan’s Nuclear Energy Policy Activities (LCES)
Project Management (CMSS)
Evaluation Projects (12 projects)
Major Projects Management Initiative (MPMO)
Energy and Climate Change Policy (LCES)
Horizontal Clean Growth and Climate Change - International Cooperation (ECCC-Led, LCES, CFS)
Geoscience to Keep Canada Safe (LMS)
Climate Change Adaptation (LMS)
Clean Growth Hub (SPI)
Clean Growth Funding Program (ETS)
Horizontal Genomics Research and Development Initiative (NRC lead)(CFS)
Targeted Geoscience Initiative Phase 5 (LMS)
Energy Efficiency Program (LCES)
Electricity Resources: Renewable Energy (LCES)
Horizontal Corporate Social Responsibility (GAC lead) (SPI, LMS)
Joint Audit and Evaluation Projects (4 projects)
Polar Continental Shelf Program (LMS)
NRCan’s Departmental Governance (SPI, CMSS – All Sectors)
Transition to the Departmental Results Framework (SPI – All Sectors)
Impact Canada Clean Technology Stream (ETS)

Table 3 – AEB Projects for Fiscal Years 2020-25

Projects are listed in the fiscal year of their initiation.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, AEB has dedicated additional resources for advisory projects in 2020-21, in order to maintain agility and provide rapid response to the evolving situation.

Table 3 – AEB Projects for Fiscal Years 2020-25
2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025
Management of Science (OCS, All science sectors) Cloud Computing and Storage (CMSS, All sectors) Implementation of NRCan’s IMT Strategy (CMSS, All sectors) Use of Digital Platforms (CPS) Management of Electronic Information (CMSS, All sectors)
NRCan’s Security Function (CMSS) NRCan Capital Asset Management (Real Property, Equipment) (CMSS, All sectors) Domestic Engagement and Relations (SPI, All sectors) Workplace Wellness (CMSS, All sectors) Science and Technology Capacity (CMSS, OCS, All science sectors)
Working Remotely (CMSS) NRCan’s Data Management Strategy (SPI, CMSS, OCS) Use of Artificial Intelligence in NRCan (OCS, CMSS, All Sectors) Management of Travel (CCMSS) Repayable Contributions (ETS, LCES, LMS, CFS)
NRCan’s Business Continuity Planning Process (CMSS, All sectors) Implementation of the Offshore Petroleum Accord Acts (CMSS, All sectors) Disaster Preparedness (SPI, LMS, CFS) Financial Planning, Forecasting, and Monitoring (CMSS, All sectors)  
Information Management Security (SPI, CMSS, All sectors) Management of NRCan’s Cost Recovery Projects (CMSS, All science sectors) Cyber Security (CMSS, All sectors)    
TBD (OCG-led) Horizontal AuditFootnote 2NRCan Performance Measurement (OCG-led) (SPI, All sectors) TBD (OCG-led) TBD (OCG-led) TBD (OCG-led)
Joint projects
Green Infrastructure (GI) - Electrical Vehicles & Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Demonstration Program & Smart Grids Program (ETS, LCES) GI - Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities Program (LCES, ETS, CFS) GI – Energy Efficient Buildings (LCES, ETS) Targeted Geoscience (LMS) Oil Spill Recovery Technology Program (ETS)
GI –Emerging Renewables Program (LCES) GC Wood - Green Construction via Wood (CFS) NRCan’s Risk Management Practices (SPI, All sectors) Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals (LMS) Arctic and Northern Policy Framework (LMS)
Application of Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) (SPI, All Sectors) Spruce Budworm Early Intervention Strategy - Phase 2 (CFS) Canadian Centre for Energy Information (LCES) Management of Partnerships & Science Integration (OCS, All science sectors) NRCan International Activities (SPI, All sectors)
  Management of Procurement Services (CMSS, All sectors) Engagement with Indigenous Groups (IARS, MPMO, All Sectors) NRCan’s Capacity to Support Mining (LMS) NRCan’s Contribution to the Canadian Space Strategy (LMS, SPI, CFS)
NRCan’s Experimentation Strategy (SPI, All sectors)
Lower Carbon Transportation (LCES) TMX Phase IV Partnership Office (NRCan-led, with DFO, ECCC, and TC) (MPMO) Explosives Safety and Security (LMS) Energy Efficiency for Climate Change Mitigation (LCES) Wildfire Risk Management Program (CFS)
HorizontalFootnote 2Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committees (NRCan-led) (MPMO, IARS) Indigenous Forestry Initiative (CFS) Fibre Solutions (CFS) Canadian Geodetic Survey (LMS) Sustainable Forest Management Program (CFS)
Green Mining Innovation (LMS)
HorizontalFootnote 2Adapting to Impacts of Climate Change (Roll-up) (ECCC-led) (LMS, CFS) Energy Safety and Security, and Petroleum Resources (SPPIO) Zero Emissions Vehicle Infrastructure (LCES) Green Infrastructure Synthesis (ETS, CFS, LCES) Geoscience for Sustainable Development of Natural Resources (LMS)
HorizontalFootnote 2World Class Tanker Safety System (TC-led) (ETS) HorizontalFootnote 2Green Municipal Fund (ECCC-led) (LCES) Tree planting (CFS) Forest Sector Competitiveness (including Forest Sector Innovation & Expanding Market Opportunities) (CFS) Canada-US International Boundary Treaty (LMS)
  HorizontalFootnote 2Oceans Protection Plan (TC-led) (ETS) Energy Innovation Program and Program of Energy Research and Development (ETS) HorizontalFootnote 2Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan Phase IV (ECCC-led) (CMSS) Geoscience to Keep Canada Safe (LMS)
  HorizontalFootnote 2Species at Risk Caribou (ECCC-led) (CFS, MPMO) HorizontalFootnote 2Terrestrial Cumulative Effects Initiative (ECCC-led) (MPMO)    
  HorizontalFootnote 2Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes (IAA-led) (CFS, SPPIO, LMS, SPI, MPMO, OCS)      

Planning Results: Continuous Auditing of Core Controls

The AEB will continue to undertake assurance-based continuous auditing to proactively identify potential systemic control issues and report annually on various processes. This work will be performed in accordance with the IIA Standards to provide reasonable assurance and will address key risks associated with significant departmental expenses. These have been identified, in part, based on the results of the Management Action Plans developed in response to the most recent Departmental Fraud Risk Assessment.

The three areas selected for continuous audit in 2020-21 are:

  • Pay and Benefits;
  • Offshore Revenues and Payments; and
  • Procurement Processes and Professional Services.

NRCan’s annual report on continuous audit will be completed for the DAC’s fall 2020 meeting, covering continuous audit work conducted in 2019-20.

Follow-up on Audit and Evaluation Recommendations

AEB conducts follow-up on all audit and evaluation recommendations, from both internal and external providers. The follow-up process at NRCan consists of two main activities: self-assessment and validation.

First, management self-assesses the implementation progress for each recommendation and associated action plan. Second, when the self-assessment is that a recommendation and action plan have been fully implemented, AEB validates it by:

  • conducting interviews;
  • reviewing supporting documentation; and
  • performing analysis and testing based on risk.

These two activities are undertaken on a semi-annual basis, in summer and winter. The annual reporting cycle concludes when the DM approves the annual Follow-Up Report. Once approved, the report is sent to the OCG.

In FY 2019-20, NRCan senior management implemented an additional quarterly monitoring process, supplementary to the established follow-up procedures, for selected audit and evaluations of significant interest. This process requires office of primary interest (OPI) to complete quarterly dashboards to track and report progress on implementing recommendations and action plans from the selected audit and evaluation reports.

Resources and Capacity

The AEB’s forecasted budget for FY 2020-21 is $5.1 million, of which $3.0 million is allocated to the audit function and the remaining $2.1 million to the evaluation function. An estimate of total resource capacity available was developed and allocated to AEB activities using metrics based on past experience. Approximately 7,350 person days of direct assurance engagements, evaluations, and advisory services, equating to 42 professional positions, are required for projects and activities in 2020-21. These resources provide AEB with the capacity to deliver the Plan to engage in other activities such as strategic and risk-based planning, follow-up on the implementation of recommendations, special studies, performance reporting, professional practices, and external audit liaison work. It should be noted that during the pandemic all AEB staff have been working remotely. As a result, AEB capacity to perform its work is being impacted by the pandemic and it will continue to assess the timelines for projects included in the IAEP.

Appendix 1: Five Year Evaluation Schedule (FYs 2020-25)

Table 6 – Five Year Evaluation Schedule (FYs 2020-25)

Departmental Results Framework (DRF) Program Planned Evaluations – Including Joint Projects (next 5 years) Planned Approval (FY) FY 2020-21 Estimated Program Spending covered by Evaluation ($) FY 2020-21 Total Planned DRF Program Spending ($) Evaluation Driver/Rationale
1.01 Canadian Geodetic Survey: Spatially Enabling Canada Evaluation of Canadian Geodetic Survey 2024-25 5,745,765 5,745,765 Program inventory coverage
1.02 Geological Knowledge for Canada’s Onshore and Offshore Land Joint audit and evaluation of Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals 2024-25 9,899,033 20,972,835 TB commitment (anticipated)
1.03 Core Geospatial Data Horizontal Evaluation of Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes (IAA-led) 2022-23 5,233,042 20,341,252 TB commitment
1.04 Canada-US International Boundary Treaty None N/A 0 1,942,507 N/A
1.05 Canada Lands Survey System None N/A 0 13,705,397 N/A
1.06 Geoscience for Sustainable Development of Natural Resources Evaluation of Targeted Geoscience Initiative Phase 5 2020-21 3,298,945 24,789,506 TB commitment
Joint audit and evaluation of Targeted Geoscience 2024-25 TB commitment (anticipated)
Horizontal Evaluation of Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes (IAA-led) 2022-23 4,637,572 TB commitment
1.07 Pest Risk Management Joint audit and evaluation of Spruce Budworm Early Intervention Strategy (Phase 2) 2022-23 21,552,248 44,912,888 FAA requirement
Horizontal Evaluation of Genomics Research and Development Initiative (NRC led) 2020-21 1,961,000 Program inventory coverage
1.08 Forest Climate Change Horizontal Evaluation of Adapting to Impacts of Climate Change (Roll-up) (ECCC-led) 2023-24 1,000,000 10,982,484 TB commitment
1.09 Climate Change Adaptation Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation 2020-21 11,608,079 11,608,079 TB commitment
Horizontal Evaluation of Adapting to Impacts of Climate Change (Roll-up) (ECCC-led) 2023-24 TB commitment
1.10 Explosives Safety and Security Evaluation of Explosives Safety and Security 2023-24 7,052,668 7,052,668 Management request
1.11 Geoscience to Keep Canada Safe Evaluation of Geoscience to Keep Canada Safe 2020-21 24,496,990 25,046,990 TB commitment
Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation Program 2020-21 550,000 TB commitment
Horizontal Evaluation of Adapting to Impacts of Climate Change (Roll-up) (ECCC-led) 2023-24 TB commitment
1.12 Wildfire Risk Management None N/A 0 13,472,2945 N/A
1.13 Polar Continental Shelf Program Joint audit and evaluation of Polar Continental Shelf Program 2020-21 13,442,583 13,442,583 TB commitment
2.01 Clean Energy Technology Policy, Research and Engagement Evaluation of Clean Growth Hub 2020-21 1,494,000 77,586,349 TB commitment
Horizontal Evaluation of World Class Tanker Safety System (TC-led) 2021-22 503,000 TB commitment
Horizontal Evaluation of Oceans Protection Plan (TC-led) 2022-23 1,195,800 TB commitment
Evaluation of Energy Innovation Program and Program of Energy Research and Development 2023-24 36,997,177 Program inventory coverage
2.02 Clean Growth in Natural Resource Sectors Joint audit and evaluation of Impact Canada Clean Technology Stream 2020-21 48,500,859 98,614,386 FAA requirement
Evaluation of Clean Growth Funding Program 2020-21 50,113,527 FAA requirement
2.03 Energy Innovation Program Joint audit and evaluation of Green Infrastructure (GI) – Electric Vehicles and Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Demonstration & Smart Grids 2021-22 29,601,175 96,172,997 FAA requirement
Joint audit and evaluation of GI - Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities 2022-23 10,000,000 FAA requirement
Joint audit and evaluation of GI- Energy Efficient Buildings 2022-23 4,571,822 TB commitment
Evaluation of Energy Innovation Program and Program of Energy Research and Development 2023-24 52,000,000 FAA requirement
2.04 Green Mining Innovation Evaluation of Green Mining Innovation Program 2021-22 16,788,782 17,012,773 Departmental priority
Joint audit and evaluation of NRCan’s Capacity to Support Mining 2024-25 Departmental priority
Horizontal Evaluation of Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes (IAA-led) 2022-23 223,991 TB commitment
2.05 Fibre Solutions Evaluation of Fibre Solutions 2023-24 7,391,623 7,391,623 Program inventory coverage
2.06 Sustainable Forest Management Horizontal Evaluation of Species at Risk - Caribou (ECCC-led) 2021-22 518,950 16,216,095 TB commitment
Horizontal Evaluation of Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes (IAA-led) 2022-23 1,838,582 TB commitment
Evaluation of Tree Planting 2023-24 0 TB commitment (anticipated)
2.07 Cumulative Effects Horizontal Evaluation of Species at Risk - Caribou (ECCC-led) 2021-22 518,950 8,510,114 TB commitment
Horizontal Evaluation of Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes (IAA-led) 2022-23 797,680 TB commitment
Horizontal Evaluation of Terrestrial Cumulative Effects Initiative (ECCC-led) 2023-24 5,083,655 TB commitment
2.08 Lower Carbon Transportation Evaluation of Lower Carbon Transportation 2021-22 30,875,544 42,687,502 Program inventory coverage
Evaluation of Zero Emissions Vehicle Infrastructure 2023-24 11,811,958 FAA requirement
2.09 Electricity Resources Evaluation of Renewable Energy Deployment 2020-21 42,041,838 154,129,783 FAA requirement
Joint audit and evaluation of GI- Electric Vehicles Infrastructure Demonstration & Smart Grids 2021-22 16,015,321 FAA requirement
Joint audit and evaluation of GI – Emerging Renewables Program 2021-22 49,935,879 FAA requirement
Horizontal Evaluation of Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes (IAA-led) 2022-23 1,043,865 TB commitment
Joint audit and evaluation of GI – Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities Program 2022-23 27,989,814 FAA requirement
2.10 Energy Efficiency Horizontal Evaluation of Green Municipal Fund (ECCC-led) 2021-22 TBC 64,603,577 FAA requirement
Evaluation of Energy Efficiency 2020-21 25,825,892 FAA requirement
Evaluation of Energy Efficiency for Climate Change Mitigation 2024-25 TB commitment
Joint audit and evaluation of GI – Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities Program 2022-23 20,000,000 FAA requirement
Joint audit and evaluation of Energy Efficient Buildings 2022-23 18,777,685 TB commitment
2.11 Energy and Climate Change Policy Horizontal Evaluation of Clean Growth and Climate Change – International Cooperation (ECCC-led) 2020-21 TBC 8,762,794 TB commitment
Evaluation of Energy and Climate Change Policy 2020-21 5,391,917 Departmental priority
Joint audit and evaluation of Canadian Centre for Energy Information 2023-24 3,370,877 TB commitment
2.12 Innovative Geospatial Solutions Horizontal Evaluation of Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes (IAA-led) 2022-23 1,458,534 18,530,401 TB commitment
3.01 Forest Sector Competitiveness Horizontal Clean Growth and Climate Change – International Cooperation (ECCC-led) 2020-21 600,000 52,894,773 TB commitment
Joint audit and evaluation of Green Construction via Wood 2021-22 10,229,474 FAA requirement
Evaluation of Indigenous Forestry Initiative 2021-22 4,178,881 Management request
Horizontal Evaluation of Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes (IAA-led) 2022-23 150,000 TB commitment
Joint audit and evaluation of GI – Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities program 2022-23 15,000,000 FAA requirement
Evaluation of Forest Sector Competitiveness (including Forest Sector Innovation & Expanding Market Opportunities) 2024-25 23,336,418 FAA requirement
3.02 Provision of Federal Leadership in the Minerals and Metals Sector Joint audit and evaluation of the Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act 2020-21 1,014,500 17,414,961 Departmental priority
Horizontal Evaluation of Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes (IAA-led) 2022-23 430,693 TB commitment
Joint audit and evaluation of NRCan’s Capacity to Support Mining 2024-25 15,969,768 Departmental priority
3.03 Energy Safety and Security, and Petroleum Resources Evaluation of Energy Safety and Security, and Petroleum Resources 2022-23 9,413,217 10,561,141 Departmental priority
Horizontal Evaluation of Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes (IAA-led) 2022-23 1,147,924 TB commitment
3.04 International Energy Engagement Horizontal Evaluation of Clean Growth and Climate Change – International Cooperation (ECCC led) 2023-24 3,218,848 5,214,158 TB commitment
3.05 Statutory Offshore Payments N/A N/A N/A 305,247,606 Exempt from evaluation - statutory payment
3.06 Natural Resources Canada's Indigenous Partnerships Office - West Horizontal Evaluation of Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committees (NRCan-led) 2021-22 18,813,106 18,813,106 FAA requirement
Joint audit and evaluation of NRCan’s Engagement with Indigenous Groups 2023-24 Departmental priority
3.07 Major Projects Management Office Initiative Horizontal Evaluation of the Major Projects Management Office Initiative 2020-21 7,394,519 13,694,519 TB commitment
Evaluation of TMX Phase IV Partnership Office 2021-22 6,300,000 TB commitment
3.08 Science & Technology Internship Program None N/A 0 2,051,783 N/A
Internal Services
Communication Services None N/A 0 12,183,318 N/A
Management and Oversight Joint audit and evaluation of NRCan's Departmental Governance 2020-21 40,501,951 40,501,951 Departmental Priority
Joint audit and evaluation of Transition to the Departmental Results Framework 2020-21 Departmental Priority
Joint audit and evaluation of Application of Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) 2021-22 Departmental Priority
Joint audit and evaluation of NRCan's risk management practices 2023-24 Departmental Priority
Joint audit and evaluation of NRCan's Experimentation Strategy 2023-24 Departmental Priority
Joint audit and evaluation of Management of Partnerships and Science Integration 2024-25 Departmental Priority
Acquisition Management Joint audit and evaluation of Management of Procurement Services 2022-23 4,068,632 4,068,632 Departmental Priority
Financial Management None N/A 0 15,663,545 N/A
Human Resources Management None N/A 0 16,362,393 N/A
Information Management None N/A 0 7,737,292 N/A
Information Technology None N/A 0 16,020,324 N/A
Legal Services None N/A 0 1,194,446 N/A
Real Property Services Horizontal Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan Phase IV (ECCC-led) 2024-25 0 14,184,859 TB commitment
Materiel Management None N/A 0 972,144 N/A
Total: $803,430,403Table 6 Footnote 3 $1,073,766,987Table 6 Footnote 3  
Percentage of FY 2020-21 planned spending covered by five-year IAEP: 75%Table 6 Footnote 3

Table Notes:

Table 6 Footnote 1

N/A - Programs denoted Not Applicable (N/A) indicate no planned evaluations for the program. In these cases, the spending is either recently evaluated; scheduled for evaluation in year 6; or deemed to be low risk and low priority at this time.

Table 6 Return to footnote 1 referrer

Table 6 Footnote 2

TBC - To be confirmed pending funding distribution through the DRF Program Inventory.

Table 6 Return to footnote 2 referrer

Table 6 Footnote 3

Calculation of total coverage excludes DRF Program 3.05 Statutory Payments (exempt from evaluation). If internal services are also excluded, then the percentage is 80%.

Table 6 Return to first footnote 3 referrer

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