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Project changes and impacts

After NRCan has completed its review and a project evaluation letter has been issued, it is the applicant’s responsibility to inform NRCan of any significant project changes and updates.

As part of your reporting responsibilities, NRCan will proactively request such information.

If the project change is deemed material, you may be required to submit a revised project plan, in addition to the annual progress report.

After the submission of a project plan and before the first day of commercial operations of a project, you may be required to submit a revised project plan if:

  • The Minister of Natural Resources determines that there has been a material change to the project and requests that you file a revised project plan for the project

  • There has been a reduction (as compared to the most recent project plan for the project) of more than 5 percentage points in the projected eligible use percentage in respect of the project during any project period

A revised project plan must be submitted within 90 days from the occurrence of either of the events described above.

Following the submission of a revised project plan, you will be issued a revised project evaluation. Instructions related to the process for design changes will be provided with the initial project evaluation.

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