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Climate change

Harnessing the power of volcanoes: The search for geothermal energy

This journey begins with a helicopter ride to a remote volcanic zone on the West Coast of British Columbia — a site noted for potential eruptions, steaming vents and unpredictable weather. It’s all in a day’s work for this scientific team. They’re searching for a hard-to-find, yet promising, piece of the puzzle in our work against climate change: geothermal energy.

December 2022


New report brings experts together for stronger, safer, more resilient communities

People in B.C. are exposed to a wide variety of potentially devastating natural hazards, including landslides, tsunamis, and earthquakes. Now, the first edition of the Resilience Pathways Report provides a better understanding of disaster risk, while considering climate change adaptation and evaluating the potential social and economic impacts on B.C. communities.

October 2022


Making up for lost time in Canada’s Far North

Government researchers have travelled to Canada’s High Arctic each year since 1959 to measure glacier activity. And since the early 1990s, they’ve also monitored the weather stations that have been installed on the ice. But that all changed in 2020, when travel plans were abruptly cancelled due to COVID-19.

