Retrofit Hub - guides

Whether you are new to retrofits or a seasoned professional, guides are a great place to start. Review these guides to further develop your understanding of the commercial, institutional, and multi-unit residential building retrofit process.

Government of Canada Resources

Major Energy Retrofit Guidelines for Commercial and Institutional Buildings

These guidelines provide a proven strategy for major energy efficiency retrofits.


Business Development Bank of Canada: The Benefits of Energy-Efficient Renovations in Commercial Buildings
This study reviews survey results from 1,500 Canadian SME building owners and tenants, and highlights the long-term benefits of investing in green retrofits.

Financing Energy Efficiency Retrofits in the Built Environment, from the Energy and Mines Ministers’ Conference
This study examines innovative financing mechanisms used to promote energy efficiency upgrades in the buildings sector.

Energy Performance Contracting: Guide for Federal Buildings
This guide outlines Canada’s federal contracting model used to finance deep retrofits within federal buildings.

Additional Resources

Sustainable Buildings Canada’s Deep Energy Retrofit Energy Modelling Guide
This guide aims to establish a best practices methodology for conducting whole building energy simulations on existing commercial, institutional, and multi-unit residential buildings in the context of implementing Deep Energy Retrofits.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Climate-resilient Infrastructure: Policy Perspectives
This report highlights emerging opportunities and remaining challenges to address climate resilience within the built environment, and provides guidance to enhance action towards prioritizing climate resilience.

Pembina Institute's Property Assessed Clean Energy in Canada
This guide offers design considerations for PACE programs and enabling legislation.

Advancing Building Retrofits
Canada Mortgage and Housing Company funded research through Tower Renewal Partnership identifying product, skill, and technological gaps in the Canadian retrofit market.