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Report on Plans and Priorities 2011-2012
Electronic Layer of Reporting
Elements of NRCan's Sustainable Development Strategy

Adressing Climate Change and Air Quality

FSDS Target 1.1 - Climate Change Mitigation

Relative to 2005 emission levels, reduce Canada’s total greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) 17% by 2020.

FSDS Implementation Strategy - Clean Air Agenda

1.1.5 Undertake and deliver scientific research and reporting in support of regulatory and other programs, including data analysis, inventory development, monitoring, modeling and assessment of the effectiveness of efforts as well as research on options, costs and benefits, and technology assessments. (EC, HC, NRCan, TC)

You will find below details about NRCan’s activities that contribute to this implementation strategy:

Energy and Mineral Exploration

This activity is nested within NRCan’s Program Activity Architecture (PAA) as follows:

  • Strategic Outcome 1 - 
    Economic Competiveness

    • Program Activity 1.1 - 
      Economic Opportunities for Natural Resources

      • Sub Activity 1.1.6
        Energy and Mineral Exploration


Economic studies consistently show that public geoscience information and data can be an effective tool to lower risks associated with resource energy and mineral exploration, thereby attracting increased exploration spending. Under Sub Activity - Energy and Mineral Exploration (PAA 1.1.6), NRCan delivers new geoscience information and expertise to industry, fostering energy and mineral exploration and, in turn, development throughout Canada which contributes to economic growth. Under this Sub Activity is a key Sub Activity that contributes to this FSDS implementation strategy:

  • Sub Sub Activity - New Energy Supply (PAA  NRCan provides relevant data, information and knowledge focussed on encouraging private sector interest and development activities in viable renewable resources such as gas hydrates, shale gas, geothermal and tidal energy supplies that could become an important component of Canada’s future energy.

Relationship to FSDS Target

Capturing and making public new geoscience knowledge and information on viable renewable energy sources through publications, such as the North American Carbon Capture and Storage Atlas, will help encourage industry interest and investment by lowering risks and will provide support to policymakers. This in turn will strengthen Canada’s future energy mix, which will support the reduction of Canada’s total greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, Sub Activity - Energy and Mineral Exploration contributes indirectly to FSDS Target 1.1 - Climate Change Mitigation.

Non-Financial Performance Expectations

Expected Result and Indicator (Sub Sub Activity

Reports & assessments on new energy supply are used by regulators, industry and other government departments.

  • Number of citations of NRCan reports and assessments (reporting annually, beginning 2012-2013).

Outputs for 2011-2012 only (Sub Sub Activity

  • Provide input on the collaborative initiative “Best Practices Manual on CO2 Geological Storage Associated with EOR” developed with the Weyburn-Midale project (indicated by acknowledgement of receipt by Weyburn-Midale proponents.)
  • Publication of a geothermal energy potential evaluation for northern communities (indicated by percentage of reports released within 12 months after end of data collection phase).

Outputs for 2012-2013 only (Sub Sub Activity

  • Publish an impact assessment on geological parameters for carbon storage (indicated by percentage of reports released within 12 months after the end of data collection phase.
  • Publish a geothermal energy potential evaluation for northern communities (indicated by percentage of reports released within 12 months after end of data collection phase).

Clean Energy Science and Technology

This activity is nested within NRCan’s Program Activity Architecture (PAA) as follows:

  • Strategic Outcome 2 - 
    Environmental Responsibility

    • Program Activity 2.1 - 
      Clean Energy

      • Sub Activity 2.1.3
         Clean Energy Science and Technology


Knowledge and technologies are needed to enable Canada's transition to a clean energy economy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Under Sub Activity - Clean Energy Science and Technology (PAA 2.1.3), NRCan funds and undertakes - in partnership with experts in the private, public and academic sectors - the advancement of science and technology solutions that can help to achieve a clean energy system. This work includes generating new knowledge and developing and demonstrating technologies related to clean energy priority areas of oil and gas, transportation, buildings and communities, industry, power generation, bioenergy as well as medical isotopes. This ultimately contributes to clean water, clean air and sustainable land use by improving environmental responsibility in Canadian clean energy production, conversion and end-use.

Relationship to FSDS Target

The advancement of key clean energy science and technology in Canada will help provide long-term solutions to reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases from energy production, conversion and end-use. Thus, Sub Activity - Clean Energy Science and Technology contributes indirectly to FSDS Target 1.1 - Climate Change Mitigation.

Non-Financial Performance Expectations

FY 2011-2012.

Expected Result and Indicators (Sub Activity 2.1.3)

The advancement of clean energy knowledge and technologies that addresses the needs of partners and stakeholders.

  • Ratio of total government investments in clean energy research, development and demonstration versus leveraging funding from partners.
  • Scientific knowledge and information (e.g. refereed publications and presentations, and technical and client reports etc.) disseminated to our clients and partners (e.g. industry, other government departments and agencies, other governments, associations, universities and non-governmental organizations).
  • Number of published and/or revised standards and codes.

Outputs and Indicators (Sub Activity 2.1.3)

Establish partnerships to research, develop and demonstrate technologies that align with stakeholder clean energy goals.

Review proposals and approve projects.

Review and assess project progress and results.

  • Number of partnerships (e.g. contracts, agreements, memoranda of understanding, projects etc.) established to research, develop and demonstrate clean energy technologies.
  • Percentage of project proposals reviewed and assessed.
  • Percentage of projects monitored and reviewed.

Other FSDS Linkages

Sub Activity - Clean Energy Science and Technology further contributes to FSDS Target 1.1 - Climate Change Mitigation through the following implementation strategies:

This Sub Activity also contributes to FSDS Target 2.1 (Air Pollutants) through two implementation strategies:

Energy Efficiency and Alternative Transportation Fuels

This activity is nested within NRCan’s Program Activity Architecture (PAA) as follows:

  • Strategic Outcome 2 - 
    Environmental Responsibility

    • Program Activity 2.1 - 
      Clean Energy

      • Sub Activity 2.1.4
        Energy Efficiency and Alternative Transportation Fuels


The Government of Canada has set a target to reduce Canada's total greenhouse gas emissions by 17% from 2005 levels by 2020. Under Sub Activity - Energy Efficiency and Alternative Transportation Fuels (PAA 2.1.4), NRCan works to improve energy efficiency and increase the production and use of alternative transportation fuels. Different sectors of the economy are targeted using a variety of policy tools to reach this goal such as incentives, regulations, research, information dissemination, and training through workshops. Initiatives under this Sub Activity that contribute to this FSDS implementation strategy include promotion of smart energy use and purchase of efficient technologies, and information on alternative transportation fuels.

Relationship to FSDS Target

Greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change can be reduced through energy efficiency improvements and use of cleaner alternative transportation fuels. Thus, Sub Activity - Energy Efficiency and Alternative Transportation Fuels contributes directly to FSDS Target 1.1 - Climate Change Mitigation.

Non-Financial Performance Expectations

FYs 2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014.

Expected Result and Indicator (Sub Activity 2.1.4)

Improved energy efficiency in all sectors.

  • Percent improvements in energy efficiency and the resulting number of petajoules energy savings.

Other FSDS Linkages

Sub Activity - Energy Efficiency and Alternative Transportation Fuels further contributes to FSDS Target 1.1 - Climate Change Mitigation through the following implementation strategies:

This Sub Activity also contributes to FSDS Target 2.1 - Air Pollutants through the following implementation strategies:

Climate Change Geoscience and Adaptation

This activity is nested within NRCan’s Program Activity Architecture (PAA) as follows:

  • Strategic Outcome 3 - 
    Safety, Security, and Stewardship

    • Program Activity 3.1 - 
      Adapting to a Changing Climate and Hazard Risk Management

      • Sub Activity 3.1.3
        Climate Change Geoscience and Adaptation


The world’s climate is changing, and Canadians require knowledge on the effects of climate change in order to adapt. Under Sub Activity - Climate Change Geoscience and Adaptation (PAA 3.1.3), NRCan provides climate change information so that key stakeholders and Canadians can better understand the effects of a changing climate on their communities and make decisions based on the resulting risks and opportunities. Through the outreach activities under this Sub Activity, NRCan facilitates collaboration and issues management to help Canadians prepare for and adapt to a changing climate. Under this Sub Activity are two key Sub Activities that contribute to this FSDS implementation strategy.

  • Sub Sub Activity - Climate Change Science (PAA NRCan performs research and disseminates data, information and knowledge to governments and communities in order to inform Northerners on the use of adaptation measures.
  • Sub Sub Activity - Climate Impact and Adaptation (PAA  NRCan creates and funds regional adaptation collaboratives and supports the development, dissemination and training in decision-support tools for adaptation.

Relationship to FSDS Target

New geoscience information and outreach activities for decision-makers across Canada will facilitate climate change issues management and help communities prepare for and adapt to a changing climate. These activities will also contribute to advancing the knowledge and communications around climate change mitigation and will ultimately help to reduce Canada’s total greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). Thus, the initiatives under Sub Activity - Climate Change Geoscience and Adaptation contribute indirectly to FSDS Target 1.1 - Climate Change Mitigation.

Non-Financial Performance Expectations

Expected Result and Indicator (Sub Activity 3.1.3)

Key stakeholders use impacts and adaptation information and support for decision-making.

  • Number of NRCan citations used by public/private sector professionals (e.g. urban planners and engineers) (reported annually, beginning in 2011-2012).

Expected Result and Indicator (Sub Sub Activity

Governments and communities in Canadas North (north of 60 latitude) have access to adaptation measures.

  • Number of reports released on climate change adaptation measures specific to the North (reported annually, beginning in 2012-2013).

Expected Results and Indicators (Sub Sub Activity

A. Practitioners in targeted regions are trained in how to use adaptation tools for decision-making.

  • Number of regions whose practitioners receive training (reporting annually).

B. Key issues are discussed collaboratively.

  • Number of issues discussed (reporting annually).

Other FSDS Linkages

Sub Activity - Climate Change Geoscience and Adaptation further contributes to Target 1.1 - Climate Change Mitigation through the following implementation strategies:

Essential Geographic Information and Support

This activity is nested within NRCan’s Program Activity Architecture (PAA) as follows:

  • Strategic Outcome 3 - 
    Safety, Security, and Stewardship

    • Program Activity 3.2 - 
      Natural Resource and Landmass Knowledge and Systems

      • Sub Activity 3.2.1
         Essential Geographic Information and Support


Evidence-based geographic knowledge and information is essential to govern the country and to facilitate development of its natural resources. Without such knowledge, boundaries could not be determined, authoritative land management and development could not be undertaken and sovereign rights could not be upheld.

Under Sub Activity - Essential Geographical Information and Support (PAA 3.2.1), NRCan delivers essential geographic information and derived products to the Canadian public and private sectors, which support decision-making in key economic, environmental and social activities, such as Canada’s submission to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). With this knowledge, NRCan delivers on Canada’s commitment and obligations related to legal boundaries, shares its knowledge internationally and enables scientific activities to be undertaken in Canada’s Arctic. Under this Sub Activity are three key Sub Activities that contribute to this FSDS implementation strategy:

  • Sub Sub Activity - Canada’s Geographic Foundation (PAA NRCan ensures up-to-date, accurate and relevant data and knowledge on Canada’s landmass and waters is available to the public and private sectors for decision-making.
  • Sub Sub Activity - Earth Observation (PAA NRCan delivers data/derived products including geographic coordinates and satellite data to federal departments, the Canadian public and private sectors for decision-making in areas such as sustainable resource development, land-use management, forest fire and climate monitoring.
  • Sub Sub Activity - GeoConnections (PAA NRCan is leading the knowledge, development and implementation of policies that will ensure geographic data is created with uniform standards and data frameworks.

Relationship to FSDS Target

With sound geographic knowledge and information, such as digital topographic and remotely-sensed data, land-use and development decisions can be made supported by an evidence-based foundation. Earth Observation science also ensures that Canadian natural resource authorities can make use of remote sensing applications such as ice monitoring and mapping and other effects of climate change. These tools can enhance decision-making thereby reducing the impact of development and ultimately contributing to the reduction of Canada’s total greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, Sub Activity - Essential Geographic Information and Support contributes indirectly to FSDS Target 1.1 - Climate Change Mitigation.

Non-Financial Performance Expectations

Expected Result and Indicator (Sub Activity 3.2.1)

Program data is used in value-added applications that support decision making (geographic information systems, etc).

  • Value-added applications are used in public and private sector activities on issues of governance and economic development of natural resources (reported annually beginning in 2011-2012).

Output and Indicator (Sub Sub Activity

Geographic data sets updated (transportation, boundaries, elevation, place names, reference points, satellite imagery and water).

  • Number of data sets updated (reported annually, beginning in 2011-2012).

Output and Indicator (Sub Sub Activity

Satellite images are received, processed, archived and disseminated.

  • Percentage of satellite images in near real-time and archived products available within planned targets (reported annually, beginning in 2011-2012).

Output and Indicator (Sub Sub Activity

Tools, methodologies and standards are released.

  • Number of tools, methodologies and standards developed and disseminated (reported annually beginning in 2011-2012).

Other FSDS Linkages

Sub Activity - Essential Geographic Information and Support also contributes to FSDS Target 6.2 - Terrestrial Ecosystem and Habitat through one implementation strategy:

This Sub Activity also contributes to Target 6.4 - Managing Threats to Ecosystems through one implementation strategy:

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