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Report on Plans and Priorities 2011-2012
Electronic Layer of Reporting
Elements of NRCan's Sustainable Development Strategy

Adressing Climate Change and Air Quality

FSDS Target 2.1 - Air Pollutants

Reduce air pollutants in order to maintain or improve air quality across the country and achieve the emission targets which are currently under development in consultations with provinces and stakeholders.

FSDS Implementation Strategy - Clean Energy

2.1.16 ecoACTION programs reduce GHG emissions and can directly or indirectly contribute to air pollutant emission reduction. (NRCan, TC, INAC)

You will find below details about NRCan's activities that contribute to this implementation strategy:

Domestic and International Energy Policy

This activity is nested within NRCan’s Program Activity Architecture (PAA) as follows:

  • Strategic Outcome 1 - 
    Economic Competitiveness

    • Program Activity 1.1 - 
      Economic Opportunities for Natural Resources

      • Sub Activity 1.1.7
        Domestic and International Energy Policy


The development of Canada’s energy resources is an important component of Canadian prosperity, and can be achieved only by a globally competitive energy sector that is governed in a manner that is consistent with Canada’s social and environmental goals.

To support such governance and the responsible development of Canada’s energy resources, under Sub Activity - Domestic and International Energy Policy (PAA 1.1.7), NRCan delivers current and timely energy related analysis, advice and recommendations to NRCan senior management on a variety of domestic and international issues including: clean energy, climate change, renewable electricity, nuclear energy, uranium and radioactive wastes, and federal-provincial-territorial energy relations. Capacity building in these areas relates to this FSDS implementation strategy by increasing NRCan’s knowledge of technologies and practices that reduce air emissions, including pollutants.

Relationship to FSDS Target

Knowledge of domestic and international technologies and practices supports the delivery of departmental programming on clean energy and climate change. Thus, this work under Sub Activity - Domestic and International Energy Policy contributes indirectly to FSDS Target 2.1 - Air Pollutants.

Non-Financial Performance Expectations

This initiative sunsets in FY 2010-2011 and will be reported on in DPR 2010-2011. Non Financial Performance Expectations apply to:

FY 2010-2011 only.

Expected Result and Indicators (Sub Activity 1.1.7)

NRCan senior management has access to quality advice and information for timely decisions on energy-related issues.

  • Sector-specific advice, analysis and recommendations are available as requested by senior management.
  • Senor management satisfaction with relevance and usefulness of advice, analysis and recommendations provided.

Other FSDS Linkages

Sub Activity - Domestic and International Energy Policy further contributes to FSDS Target 2.1 - Air Pollutants through one other implementation strategy:

This Sub Activity also contributes to FSDS Target 1.1 - Climate Change Mitigation through the following implementation strategies:

Renewable Energy Deployment

This activity is nested within NRCan’s Program Activity Architecture (PAA) as follows:

  • Strategic Outcome 2 - 
    Environmental Responsibility

    • Program Activity 2.1 - 
      Clean Energy

      • Sub Activity 2.1.2
        Renewable Energy Deployment


The Government of Canada has committed to build on its successful clean electricity system by leading the world in clean energy generation. Under Sub Activity - Renewable Energy Deployment (PAA 2.1.2), NRCan provides an incentive to electricity producers to increase Canada’s supply of clean electricity from renewable sources like wind, biomass, small hydro, solar photovoltaic and ocean energy. In addition to reducing Canadian greenhouse gas emissions, this sub-activity will help to create a more sustainable and diversified energy mix. Sub Activity Renewable Energy Deployment is supported by the ecoENERGY for Renewable Power and the Wind Power Production Incentive programs.

Financial incentives provided to qualifying renewable electricity producers under the ecoENERGY for Renewable Power Program will encourage the growth of more than 4,000 MW of new renewable electricity capacity in Canada and is expected to reduce GHG emissions between 6 and 6.7 megatonnes per year by 2012. Under the Wind Power Production Incentive program, 924 MW of new wind energy capacity was developed in Canada and reduces GHG emissions by approximately 1.5 megatonnes per year since 2008.

Relationship to FSDS Target

Financial incentives towards clean electricity projects will result in reductions of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants. Thus, Sub Activity - Renewable Energy Deployment contributes directly to FSDS Target 2.1 - Air Pollutants.

Non-Financial Performance Expectations

The ecoENERGY for Renewable Power program sunsets in FY 2010-2011 and will be reported on in DPR 2010-2011. Non-financial performance expectations apply to:

FY 2010-2011 only.

Expected Result and Indicator (Sub Activity 2.1.2)

Increased production of renewable electricity supply in Canada.

  • Amount of clean electricity generation from low-impact renewable sources.

Outputs and Indicators (Sub Activity 2.1.2)

Project applications reviewed for funding.

  • Number of projects reviewed under the ecoENERGY for Renewable Power program.

Contribution agreements signed.

  • Number of contribution agreements signed for qualified projects under the ecoENERGY for Renewable Power program.

Other FSDS Linkages

Sub Activity - Renewable Energy Deployment also contributes to FSDS Target 1.1 - Climate Change Mitigation through one implementation strategy:

Clean Energy Science and Technology

This activity is nested within NRCan’s Program Activity Architecture (PAA) as follows:

  • Strategic Outcome 2 - 
    Environmental Responsibility

    • Program Activity 2.1 - 
      Clean Energy

      • Sub Activity 2.1.3
        Clean Energy Science and Technology


Knowledge and technologies are needed to enable Canada's transition to a clean energy economy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Under Sub Activity - Clean Energy Science and Technology (PAA 2.1.3), NRCan funds and undertakes - in partnership with experts in the private, public and academic sectors - the advancement of science and technology solutions that can help to achieve a clean energy system. This work includes generating new knowledge and developing and demonstrating technologies related to clean energy priority areas of oil and gas, transportation, buildings and communities, industry, power generation, bioenergy as well as medical isotopes. This ultimately contributes to clean water, clean air and sustainable land use by improving environmental responsibility in Canadian clean energy production, conversion and end-use.

Relationship to FSDS Target

The advancement of key clean energy science and technology in Canada will help provide long-term solutions to reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutant emissions.from energy production, conversion and end-use. Thus, Sub Activity - Clean Energy Science and Technology contributes indirectly to FSDS Target 2.1 - Air Pollutants.

Non-Financial Performance Expectations

FY 2011-2012.

Expected Result and Indicators (Sub Activity 2.1.3)

The advancement of clean energy knowledge and technologies that addresses the needs of partners and stakeholders.

  • Ratio of total government investments in clean energy research, development and demonstration versus leveraging funding from partners.
  • Scientific knowledge and information (e.g. refereed publications and presentations, and technical and client reports etc.) disseminated to our clients and partners (e.g. industry, other government departments and agencies, other governments, associations, universities and non-governmental organizations).
  • Number of published and/or revised standards and codes.

Outputs and Indicators (Sub Activity 2.1.3)

Establish partnerships to research, develop and demonstrate technologies that align with stakeholder clean energy goals.

Review proposals and approve projects.

Review and assess project progress and results.

  • Number of partnerships (e.g. contracts, agreements, memoranda of understanding, projects etc.) established to research, develop and demonstrate clean energy technologies.
  • Percentage of project proposals reviewed and assessed.
  • Percentage of projects monitored and reviewed.

Other FSDS Linkages

Sub Activity - Clean Energy Science and Technology further contributes to FSDS Target 2.1 - Air Pollutants through one other implementation strategy:

This Sub Activity also contributes to FSDS Target 1.1 - Climate Change Mitigation through the following implementation strategies:

Energy Efficiency and Alternative Transportation Fuels

This activity is nested within NRCan’s Program Activity Architecture (PAA) as follows:

  • Strategic Outcome 2 - 
    Environmental Responsibility

    • Program Activity 2.1 - 
      Clean Energy

      • Sub Activity 2.1.4
        Energy Efficiency and Alternative Transportation Fuels


The Government of Canada has set a target to reduce Canada's total greenhouse gas emissions by 17% from 2005 levels by 2020 Under Sub Activity - Energy Efficiency and Alternative Transportation Fuels (PAA 2.1.4), NRCan works to improve energy efficiency and increase the production and use of alternative transportation fuels. Different sectors of the economy are targeted using a variety of policy tools to reach this goal such as incentives, regulations, research, information dissemination, and training through workshops. Initiatives under this Sub Activity that contribute to this FSDS implementation strategy include promotion of smart energy use and purchase of efficient technologies, and information on alternative transportation fuels. Under this Sub Activity, a key Sub activity contributes to this FSDS implementation strategy:

  • Sub Sub Activity - Alternative Transportation Fuels (PAA NRCan targets alternative transportation fuel producers and end-users. Activities inform the public of and encourage and facilitate the production and end use of alternative fuels in Canada such as biodiesel, ethanol, natural gas, hydrogen and electricity. This includes ecoENERGY for Biofuels, which provides operating incentives to producers of renewable alternatives to gasoline and diesel based on production levels and market conditions.

Relationship to FSDS Target

Alternative transportation fuels can reduce air pollutants, based on fuel types. Thus, Sub Activity - Alternative Transportation Fuels, under Sub Activity - Energy Efficiency and Alternative Transportation Fuels contributes indirectly to FSDS Target 2.1 - Air Pollutants.

Non-Financial Performance Expectations

FYs 2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014.

Expected Result and Indicators (Sub Activity 2.1.4)

Increased production and use of alternative transportation fuels.

  • Renewable fuel production as a percentage of total gasoline and distillate pools.
  • Alternative fuel use as a percentage of total on-road transportation use.

Expected Result and Indicator (Sub Sub Activity

Increased domestic capacity and actual production of renewable alternatives to gasoline and diesel from NRCan programming, contributing towards Canada’s role in the development and use of natural resources.

  • Total domestic production of renewable alternatives to gasoline and diesel directly funded by ecoEnergy for Biofuels, in litres and by fuel type.

Other FSDS Linkages

Sub Activity - Energy Efficiency and Alternative Transportation Fuels further contributes to FSDS Target 2.1 - Air Pollutants through the following implementation strategies:

This Sub Activity also contributes to FSDS Target 1.1 - Climate Change Mitigation through the following implementation strategies:

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