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Report on Plans and Priorities 2011-2012
Electronic Layer of Reporting
Elements of NRCan's Sustainable Development Strategy
FSDS Target 1.1 - Climate Change Mitigation
Relative to 2005 emission levels, reduce Canada’s total greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) 17% by 2020.
FSDS Implementation Strategy - Clean Energy
1.1.31 Work with Aboriginal and northern communities, organizations and governments on climate change issues through the development of sustainable energy initiatives and supporting them in managing vulnerabilities and opportunities created by changing climate. (INAC, NRCan)
You will find below details about NRCan's activities that contribute to this implementation strategy:
Climate Change Geoscience and Adaptation
This activity is nested within NRCan’s Program Activity Architecture (PAA) as follows:
Strategic Outcome 3 -Safety, Security, and Stewardship
Program Activity 3.1 -Adapting to a Changing Climate and Hazard Risk Management
Sub Activity 3.1.3 -Climate Change Geoscience and Adaptation
The world’s climate is changing, and Canadians require knowledge on the effects of climate change in order to adapt. Under Sub Activity - Climate Change Geoscience and Adaptation (PAA 3.1.3), NRCan provides climate change information so that key stakeholders and Canadians can better understand the effects of a changing climate on their communities and make decisions based on the resulting risks and opportunities. Through the outreach activities under this Sub Activity, NRCan facilitates collaboration and issues management to help Canadians prepare for and adapt to a changing climate. Under this Sub Activity are two key Sub Activities that contribute to this FSDS implementation strategy.
- Sub Sub Activity - Climate Change Science (PAA NRCan performs research and disseminates data, information and knowledge to governments and communities in order to inform Northerners on the use of adaptation measures.
- Sub Sub Activity - Climate Impact and Adaptation (PAA NRCan creates and funds regional adaptation collaboratives and supports the development, dissemination and training in decision-support tools for adaptation.
Relationship to FSDS Target
Changes to Canada’s northern climate will likely be more profound than in other regions. Adaptation measures will need to be carefully designed in order to preserve Canada’s sensitive Arctic and sub-Arctic environments. As well, successfully planning for and managing the impacts of climate change require not only the exploration of the risks and opportunities created by a changing climate but also co-operation among multiple levels of decision-makers. This program’s research, outreach and information will enable Aboriginal and northern governments, organizations and communities to better understand and apply climate change adaptation measures. Thus, the Sub Activities under Sub Activity - Climate Change Geoscience and Adaptation contribute indirectly to FSDS Target 1.1 - Climate Change Mitigation.
Non-Financial Performance Expectations
Expected Result and Indicator (Sub Activity 3.1.3)
Key stakeholders use impacts and adaptation information and support for decision-making.
- Number of NRCan citations used by public/private sector professionals (e.g. urban planners and engineers) (reported annually, beginning in 2011-2012).
Expected Result and Indicator (Sub Sub Activity
Governments and communities in Canada’s North (north of 60 latitude) have access to adaptation measures.
- Number of reports released on climate change adaptation measures specific to the North (reported annually, beginning in 2012-2013).
Expected Results and Indicators (Sub Sub Activity
A. Practitioners in targeted regions are trained in adaptation.
- Number of regions whose practitioners receive training. (Reporting annually.)
B. Key issues are discussed collaboratively.
- Number of issues discussed. (Reporting annually)
Other FSDS Linkages
Sub Activity - Climate Change Geoscience and Adaptation further contributes to FSDS Target 1.1 - Climate Change Mitigation through the following implementation strategies:
- 1.1.5 - Undertake and deliver scientific research and reporting in support of regulatory and other programs, including data analysis, inventory development, monitoring, modeling and assessment of the effectiveness of efforts as well as research on options, costs and benefits, and technology assessments;
- 1.1.43 - Work with international partners to implement commitments in the Copenhagen Accord such as mitigation targets and actions; short and long-term financing; mechanisms for technology and reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degredation; adaptation actions; and provisions for transparency and accountability of climate change actions.
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