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Report on Plans and Priorities 2011-2012
Electronic Layer of Reporting
Elements of NRCan's Sustainable Development Strategy
FSDS Theme I - Addressing Climate Change and Air Quality
FSDS Goal 1 - Climate Change
Reduce greenhouse gas emission levels to mitigate the severity and unavoidable impacts of climate change.
FSDS Target 1.1 - Climate Change Mitigation
Relative to 2005 emission levels, reduce Canada’s total greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) 17% by 2020.
FSDS Implementation Strategies - Natural Resources Canada Contributions
Below you will find the list of FSDS Implementation Strategies, under Target 1.1 - Climate Change Mitigation, for which NRCan is solely or jointly responsible. By clicking any of the links below, you will find detailed information on the NRCan activities that contribute to that FSDS Implementation Strategy.
Clean Air Agenda
- 1.1.5 Undertake and deliver scientific research and reporting in support of regulatory and other programs, including data analysis, inventory development, monitoring, modeling and assessment of the effectiveness of efforts as well as research on options, costs and benefits, and technology assessments. (EC, HC, NRCan,TC)
- 1.1.13 Enhance energy-efficiency regulations for consumer and commercial products. (NRCan)
Clean Energy
- 1.1.20 Develop climate change strategies aligned with the United States including working collaboratively through the Canada-U.S. Clean Energy Dialogue to advance clean energy priorities. (EC, NRCan)
- 1.1.22 Continue to work with industry stakeholders to encourage and promote the adoption and adaptation of new technologies such as information and communications technologies, biotechnology and clean energy technology. (IC, NRCan)
- 1.1.26 Supply financial aid and develop capacity to reduce GHGs through adoption of emission reducing technologies and practices.(NRCan)
- 1.1.27 Use the Program on Energy Research and Development (PERD) to research and develop energy technologies that will reduce GHG emissions. (NRCan)
- 1.1.28 Use the Clean Energy Fund for transitioning the energy sector by developing and demonstrating new technologies that will reduce GHG emissions. (NRCan)
- 1.1.29 Finance projects that would, among other things, help to optimize resource use, valuing residual resources, and contribute to eco-efficiency. (DEC, NRCan)
- 1.1.30 The Atlantic Energy Gateway initiative aims to facilitate development of the Atlantic renewable energy sector by fostering collaboration, common understanding, and communication among governments, and between governments and the private sector, to maximize and expedite the development of renewable energy sources in the region. (ACOA, NRCan)
- 1.1.31 Work with Aboriginal and northern communities, organizations and governments on climate change issues through the development of sustainable energy initiatives and supporting them in managing vulnerabilities and opportunities created by changing climate. (INAC, NRCan)
Clean Transportation
- 1.1.37 Undertake research, development and deployment of new technologies to reduce GHGs. (NRCan)
- 1.1.39 Develop improved materials and processes to achieve more energy-efficient, lower-emission vehicles. (NRCan)
- 1.1.40 Offer information programs and decision-making tools which help Canadians purchase, drive and maintain their vehicles in a manner which reduces fuel consumption and GHG emissions. (NRCan)
International Work on Climate Change
- 1.1.43 Work with international partners to implement commitments in the Copenhagen Accord such as mitigation targets and actions; short and long-term financing; mechanisms for technology and reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation; adaptation actions; and provisions for transparency and accountability of climate change actions. (EC, NRCan)
- 1.1.48 United Nations:
- Participate in strategic international climate change negotiations and engagement in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), including leadership on key issues. (NRCan)
- Develop and submit a complete and compliant annual national GHG Inventory Report and Common Reporting Format tables to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat by April 15 to meet UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol reporting requirements. (EC, NRCan)
- 1.1.49 Multilateral Organizations Outside of the UNFCCC:
- Advance Canadian interests in a range of high-level climate change-related international fora, such as the G8, the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate (MEF), including the MEF initiated Clean Energy Ministerial; and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. (NRCan)
- 1.1.50 Asia-Pacific Partnership: Manage Canadian Asia-Pacific Partnership-funded projects that promote the development, diffusion and deployment of clean technologies. (EC, NRCan, IC)
- 1.1.53 Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): Participate in a variety of policy and technical multilateral cooperation fora including the Global CCS Institute, the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum, the International Energy Agency and the MEF Clean Energy Ministerial Carbon Capture and Storage Action Group. (NRCan)
- 1.1.54 Support the development and provision of scientific knowledge, modeling, data and tools that inform forest carbon budgets. (NRCan)
- 1.1.55 Support the development and adoption of clean energy technologies in the forest sector and the use of wood as a green building material in Canada and abroad. (NRCan)
- Investment in Forest Industry Transformation (IFIT): Enable renewal and transformation in the forest sector by supporting the development, commercialization and implementation of advanced clean energy technologies in the forest sector. (NRCan)
- Pulp and Paper Green Transformation Program: Support innovation and environmentally friendly investments in pulp and paper mills in areas such as energy efficiency and renewable energy production. The aim is for pulp and paper mills in Canada to further reduce their greenhouse gas emissions while helping to position them as leaders in the production of renewable energy from forest biomass. (NRCan)
- 1.1.56 Develop multidisciplinary assessments of the risks associated with the new and emerging bio-technology in the Forest sectors and the risks they may have on the environment. (NRCan)
- 1.1.58 Negotiate international agreement to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD). (NRCan)
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