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Sub-program 3.2.1

Essential Geographic Information


Many socio-economic and environmental decisions, such as land-use, elections planning, emergency preparedness and response, transportation and real estate, would generate inconsistency, disputes or turmoil without authoritative geographic information. This Sub-program delivers Canada's fundamental geodetic reference system, remote sensing technologies and authoritative mapping, Earth observation and other location-based products and solutions. NRCan’s policies, infrastructure and products support a variety of socio-economic and environmental decisions carried out by other departments and levels of government, the private sector and academia as well as the public necessary for effective management of Canada’s natural resources and lands.

Non-Financial Performance Information
Expected Result Performance Indicators Targets
Public, private sector and academia access geographic/geospatial information for the management of natural resources and lands Number of downloads for geographic and geospatial information (geo-information) 5% increase over 2010-11 baseline of 5,495,869 downloads by March 31, 2014
Financial Performance Information ($ thousands)
Planned Spending Main Estimates
22,587 22,587


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