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Departmental Results Framework

The Treasury Board Secretariat’s Policy on Results enables the establishment of a Departmental Results Framework (DRF) for each department and agency within a Minister’s portfolio. The Departmental Results Framework consists of a department’s Core Responsibilities, Departmental Results and Departmental Results Indicators. The Program Inventory identifies the programs that contribute to the department’s Core Responsibilities and Results.

The DRF is NRCan’s Framework for reporting to Parliament through annual the Departmental Plan and Departmental Results Report. To view NRCan’s most recent results data, please consult GC InfoBase.

Natural Resources Canada’s Departmental Results Framework 2024-25

NRCan core responsibilities

Natural resource science and risk mitigation

Lead foundational science and share expertise for managing Canada’s natural resources, reducing the impacts of climate change and mitigating risks from natural disasters and explosives.

Innovative and sustainable natural resources development

Lead the transformation to a low-carbon economy by improving the environmental performance of Canada’s natural resource sectors through innovation and sustainable development and use.

Globally competitive natural resource sectors

Advance and promote market access, inclusiveness and competitiveness for Canada’s natural resource sectors, in support of jobs and economic growth.*

*Also includes statutory payments for offshore petroleum.

Departmental results and indicators

What is the department trying to achieve?

Natural resource science and mitigation

Canadians have access to cutting-edge research to inform decisions on the management of natural resources

  • Number of times scientific products related to natural resources are accessed
    by Canadians
  • Percentage of environmental impact assessments demonstrating use of scientific and technical advice provided by NRCan
  • Percentage of science publications authored by NRCan available on
    Open Access
  • Number of times stakeholders acknowledge using NRCan’s scientific and technical products in making their decisions
  • Number of NRCan agreements that recognize data and/or information derived from an Indigenous Knowledge source and is used to inform NRCan science and/or research
  • Percentage of foundational geospatial data that is current

Communities and officials have the tools to safeguard Canadians from natural hazards and explosives

  • Percentage of hazardous natural events within Canada for which a notification was issued in a timely manner
  • Percentage of emergency geomatics services provided to Canadians in a timely manner to assist during floods
  • Percentage uptime of the Canadian Wildland Fire Information System during the wildfire season
  • Percentage of inspections of explosives sites rated safe

Communities and industries are adapting to climate change

  • Number of times NRCan products and expertise on adaptation are accessed
    by Canadians
  • Percentage of Canadian communities and industries that have taken steps to adapt to climate change

Innovative and sustainable natural resources development

Natural resource sectors are innovative

  • Percentage of NRCan-funded innovation projects that result in new intellectual property, codes, standards or regulations
  • Percentage of innovative forest products and decision tools informed by NRCan research that contribute to the environmental sustainability of Canada’s forests
  • Percentage of NRCan-funded clean energy innovation projects advancing along the
    innovation scale
  • Percentage of innovative mining technologies developed by NRCan that move towards being ready for commercial use

Clean technologies and energy efficiencies enhance economic performance

  • Percentage of NRCan-funded clean technology demonstration projects achieving their economic goals
  • Ratio of partner investment to government spending in NRCan-funded energy
    innovation projects
  • Total annual energy savings resulting from adoption of energy efficiency codes, standards and practices

Canada’s natural resources are sustainable

  • Percentage of Canadian electricity generated from non-GHG emitting sources
  • Number of renewable energy projects in remote communities and off-grid
    industrial operations
  • Amount of wood harvested compared to the sustainable supply
  • Number of charging and refueling stations under development or completed
  • Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions resulting from NRCan-funded clean
    technology demonstrations
  • Percentage of NRCan’s projects on innovation and sustainable development that engage Indigenous communities, organizations or governments

Globally competitive natural resource sectors

Access to new and priority markets for Canada’s natural resources is enhanced

  • Canada’s share of U.S. and global imports of natural resources
  • Increase in value of assets abroad owned by Canadian natural
    resource companies
  • Number of NRCan international engagements that support the development or expansion of trade and investment in natural resources

Canadians are engaged in the future of the new and inclusive resource economy

  • Number of joint products developed in collaboration with provinces and territories and released to Canadians
  • Percentage of NRCan’s projects that support participation of Indigenous communities, organizations or governments in Canada’s natural
    resource economy

Enhanced competitiveness of Canada’s natural resource sectors

  • Economic value of anticipated natural resource projects supported by analysis and solutions
  • Number of times NRCan’s economic and investment data are accessed

Program inventory

Covers 100% of the department’s activities and resources

Natural resource science and mitigation

  • Canadian Geodetic Survey: Spatially Enabling Canada
  • Geological Knowledge for Canada’s Onshore and Offshore Land
  • Core Geospatial Data
  • Canada-US International Boundary Treaty
  • Canada Lands Survey System
  • Geoscience for Sustainable Development of Natural Resources
  • Pest Risk Management
  • Forest Climate Change
  • Climate Change Adaptation
  • Explosives Safety and Security
  • Geoscience to Keep Canada Safe
  • Wildfire Risk Management
  • Polar Continental Shelf program

Innovative and sustainable natural resources development

  • Energy Innovation and Clean Technology
  • Green Mining Innovation
  • Fibre Solutions
  • Sustainable Forest Management
  • Cumulative Effects
  • Lower Carbon Transportation
  • Electricity Resources
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Energy and Climate Change Policy
  • Innovative Geospatial Solutions

Globally competitive natural resource sectors

  • Forest Sector Competitiveness
  • Provision of Federal Leadership in the Minerals and Metals Sector
  • Energy Safety and Security, and Petroleum Resources
  • Statutory Offshore Payments
  • Indigenous Reconciliation and Regulatory Coordination
  • Youth Employment and Skills Strategy – Science and Technology Internship Program (Green Jobs)

Internal services

  • Management & Oversight
  • Communications
  • Legal Services
  • Human Resources
  • Financial Management
  • Information Management
  • Information Technology
  • Real Property (Domestic)
  • Materiel Management
  • Acquisition Management

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