Geohazards and Public Safety
To ensure that Canadians are protected from natural hazards, constant monitoring and effective planning for adverse natural events are required. Such events include earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, geomagnetic storms, radiological and nuclear incidents, and tsunamis. The provision of hazard information and products helps other levels of government, including international government bodies, the private sector and professional organizations such as the Canadian Institute of Planners to prepare for and mitigate natural disasters. This work also meets NRCan’s obligation for ongoing nuclear test monitoring, as is required under the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. This Sub-program comprises a research component that disseminates risk-related information to support the response, recovery and preparedness phases of emergency management.
Non-Financial Performance Information
Expected Result |
Performance Indicators |
Targets |
Other levels of government, private sector and professional organizations involved in emergency management in Canada rely on information from NRCan's hazard information services and hazard mitigation knowledge products for decision-making |
Annual number of other levels of government, private sector or professional organizations involved in emergency management in Canada confirming level of use of NRCan information in decision-making |
5 by March 31, 2014 |
Financial Performance Information ($ thousands)
Planned Spending |
Main Estimates |
16,219 |
16,219 |