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Sub-program 2.3.4

Radioactive waste management


In the past, radioactive waste management requirements to protect the environment and human health were neither in place, nor as stringent as modern day practices. Thus, historic nuclear or uranium mining activities have, in some cases, resulted in a legacy of radioactive waste or contaminated lands that pose risks to the environment and the health of Canadians. This Sub-program uses policy and program development and implementation to establish long-term management solutions for radioactive waste in areas where federal intervention is required. Specifically, NRCan is involved in clean-up operations in cases where either the wastes were produced by a Crown corporation, or the original private sector producer either no longer exists or cannot be held responsible. This Sub-program partners with provinces, municipalities and the private sector through the following programs: the Nuclear Legacy Liabilities Program; the Historic Waste Program, including the Port Hope Area Initiative; and the Gunnar and Lorado program.

Non-Financial Performance Information
Expected Result Performance Indicators Targets
The federal government manages (develops and implements) long-term management solutions to clean up radioactive waste Percentage of radioactive waste management milestones completed under the Nuclear Legacy Liabilities Program 80% by March 31, 2014
Percentage of waste management obligations achieved under the Port Hope Legal Agreement for each project 100% by March 31, 2022
Percentage compliance with applicable Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission institutional controls/licenses to implement management practices 100% by March 31, 2022
Financial Performance Information ($ thousands)
Planned Spending Main Estimates
288,658 288,658

FSDS Theme II – Maintaining Water Quality and Availability

FSDS Goal 3 – Water Quality

Protect and enhance the quality of water so that it is clean, safe and secure for all Canadians and supports healthy ecosystems.

FSDS Target 3.1 – Fresh Water Quality

Complete federal actions to restore beneficial uses in Canadian Areas of Concern in the Great Lakes by 2020.

FSDS Implementation Strategy

3.1.5 Advance clean-up of historic radioactive wastes in the Port Hope area, which has been identified as an Area of Concern by the International Joint Commission. (NRCan)

How Activity Supports FSDS Target

The Port Hope Area Initiative will remediate the Port Hope Harbour and reduce the inflow of contaminated water into Lake Ontario. Thus the work of this Sub-program contributes directly to FSDS Target 3.1 – Fresh Water Quality. Additionally, the Port Hope Area Initiative will move historic waste currently situated in close proximity to Lake Ontario in the Port Granby Waste Management Facility, to a location 700 metres away from the lakeshore.

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