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Sub-program 2.3.1

Forest Ecosystems Science and Application


Sustainable development of Canada’s forests requires that forest ecosystems and their health are better understood, monitored and assessed as forests are susceptible to climate-induced changes, natural (disease) and man-made influences (harvesting, land-use changes). Decision-making, professional practice, international reputation and market access to forest-related products all rely on sound science and knowledge that enables a better understanding of changing forest dynamics. The objective of this Sub-program is to increase the overall scientific knowledge on forest ecosystems and support knowledge-based sustainable forest management policies and practices that consider sound ecological, social, and economic principles.

Non-Financial Performance Information
Expected Result Performance Indicators Targets
Governments, industry, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders are provided with scientific knowledge on forest ecosystems to support knowledge-based sustainable forest management policies and practices Representation of the Canadian Forest Service on advisory boards or committees involving governments, industry, and non-governmental organizations in order to provide scientific knowledge on forest ecosystems Maintain current representation on 128 advisory boards or committees by March 31, 2014
Financial Performance Information ($ thousands)
Planned Spending Main Estimates
19,010 19,010


FSDS Theme I – Addressing Climate Change and Air Quality

FSDS Goal 1 – Climate Change

Reduce greenhouse gas emission levels to mitigate the severity and unavoidable impacts of climate change.

FSDS Target 1.1 – Climate Change Mitigation

Relative to 2005 emission levels, reduce Canada’s total greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) 17% by 2020.

FSDS Implementation Strategy – International Work on Climate Change

1.1.48 United Nations Develop and submit a complete and compliant annual national GHG Inventory Report and Common Reporting Format tables to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat by April 15, to meet UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol reporting requirements Footnote 1. (EC, NRCan)

FSDS Implementation Strategies – Forestry

1.1.54 Support the development and provision of scientific knowledge, modeling, data and tools that inform forest carbon budgets. (NRCan)

How Activity Supports FSDS Target

Under this Sub-program, NRCan has five project areas: forest integrity, international model forests network, forest carbon, landscape reclamation, and national forest information management. The main objective of these projects is to allow the federal government, Canadians and their institutions to have an authoritative scientific foundation on forest ecosystems at the national level. This knowledge informs and influences the federal government’s forest-related agenda. As part of this work, NRCan conducts forest carbon cycle research and national assessment of forest carbon budgets, and analysis of options for forest carbon management to contribute to climate change mitigation. The main objective of this work is to further the understanding and knowledge of forest carbon dynamics from a national perspective and to report forest-related GHG emission and removal estimates to the UNFCCC. The work also involves application of carbon budget modeling tools to help developing countries assess emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. In relation to FSDS Implementation Strategy, data are collected and reported annually.

Performance Expectations Beyond NRCan’s Performance Measurement Framework

In relation to FSDS Implementation Strategy, NRCan provides data and forecasts associated with Canada’s vast forest landscapes, estimates of forest-related land use change (afforestation/reforestation/deforestation) and estimates of GHG emissions and removals for the managed forest as a result of forest-related land-use change to meet annual GHG reporting requirements under the UNFCCC. Knowledge and capacity to estimate exchanges of carbon between forests and the atmosphere acquired under Sub-program Forest Ecosystems Science and Application contributes to reporting on forest-related greenhouse gas emissions and removals. Through the National Forest Inventory and the State of Canada’s Forest Report, NRCan provides information for government policy-makers and enables the public’s access to information on Canada’s forest. Thus, work under this Sub-program contributes indirectly to FSDS Target 1.1 – Climate Change Mitigation.


FSDS Theme III – Protecting Nature

FSDS Goal 7 – Biological Resources

Sustainable production and consumption of biological resources are within ecosystem limits.

FSDS Target 7.3 – Sustainable Forest Management

Improve the management of Canada’s forest ecosystems through the development and dissemination of knowledge. (Minister of Natural Resources)

FSDS Implementation Strategy – Sustainable Forest Management

7.3.2 Generate and disseminate scientific knowledge related to forest ecosystems. (NRCan)

How Activity Supports FSDS Target

Peer-reviewed scientific publications under this Sub-program contribute to the improved management of Canada’s forests. This information is actively disseminated among a broad range of constituents and takes the form of workshops, peer-reviewed literature, fact sheets and web-based tools. Moreover, through the National Forest Inventory and the State of Canada’s Forest Report, NRCan provides information that enables public access to information on Canada’s forests. Thus, initiatives under this Sub-program directly relate to FSDS Target 7.3 – Sustainable Forest Management.

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