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Sub-program 1.1.3

Energy Market Regulation and Information


Canada realizes many advantages as a result of robust energy markets and strong trade in energy resources. Ensuring these benefits continue to contribute to the broader economy requires regular assessment, analysis and monitoring of Canadian energy resources, including infrastructure and regulations. This Sub-program aims to foster a competitive Canadian energy sector by working with provinces and territories, and internationally, to articulate Canada's approach to the management of energy resources. To achieve this goal, this Sub-program assesses and updates (when necessary) federal energy regulations and policies (e.g., offshore oil and gas, pipelines, nuclear), engages domestically and internationally on energy issues, and provides Canadians with information on energy markets.

Non-Financial Performance Information
Expected Result Performance Indicators Targets
Greater collaboration between federal, provincial, territorial governments on energy issues Percentage of priorities, as identified by energy ministers completed on time 100% by late summer 2014
Public and other stakeholders - both domestic and international - have access to information about Canada's energy resource markets and regulations Number of website hits and requests for publications Maintain level of website traffic and publication requests (Baseline to be determined in 2012-13) by March 31, 2014
The Government of Canada's regulatory framework governing Canada’s energy resources (e.g. pipelines, frontier lands and offshore oil and gas) is renewed and continuously improved. Assessment and/or update to energy regulations and/or Canada's energy regulatory framework 1 on an ongoing basis
Financial Performance Information ($ thousands)
Planned Spending Main Estimates
19,085 19,085

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