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Program Activity 1.2

Innovation for New Products and Processes


Optimizing the use of Canada's natural resources and the processes by which they are developed would improve the productivity of the natural resources sectors and reduce its dependency on the sale of traditional natural resource products. The objective of this program activity is twofold: to maximize the productivity and to decrease our dependency on the sale of traditional products by encouraging natural resources sectors to adopt new technologies and processes to develop new products. This objective is achieved by conducting science, research, development, and demonstrations on new applications, technologies, processes, and products.  

Non-Financial Performance Information
Expected Result Performance Indicators Targets Status Results
Natural resource sectors increase production of new products and processes as a result of NRCan information Number of new products and processes resulting from NRCan information 5 by 31/03/2013 To be provided in the corresponding DPR To be provided in the corresponding DPR
Research and Development (R&D) expenditures in natural resource sectors as defined by total intramural R&D expenditures in energy, mining and forestry sectors Favourable 10 year trend by 31/03/2013 To be provided in the corresponding DPR To be provided in the corresponding DPR
Public and private sector organizations have increased cost-efficiency or productivity resulting from the integration of geomatics or geoscience policies, tools and frameworks Number of citations of cost-efficiency and productivity gains in public or private sector organizations 5 by 31/03/2013 To be provided in the corresponding DPR To be provided in the corresponding DPR


Financial Performance Information ($ thousands)
Planned Spending Total Authorities Actual Spending
 71,292  71,292 To be provided in the corresponding DPR

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