- Proposed Indigenous Ministerial Arrangements Regulations
- Participant funding
- Phases of engagement
- How to participate
- Engagement Framework
- Principles and protocols
IMARs National Engagement Strategy (PDF, 2.1 MB)
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) is no longer accepting applications for fiscal year 2024-2025.
The IndigenousFootnote 1 Ministerial Arrangements Regulations (IMARs) is a key component in the successful achievement of the Government of Canada’s economic reconciliation objectives. It provides the opportunity for Indigenous governing bodiesFootnote 2 to participate in the regulatory process of federally regulated energy projects that fall under the Canadian Energy Regulator Act (CERA).
The objective of this funding is to provide financial support to Indigenous groups that are interested in participating in the development of IMARs during the implementation of Phase 2, Engagement and Regulatory Design.
Over the course of Phase 2 of IMARs , NRCan has two primary goals for implementation, including:
- Gather input and feedback on the proposed regulations; and
- Identify Indigenous groups that want to be engaged during subsequent phases of the IMARs process.
Applicants can expect that participation in the IMARs process will include but is not limited to the following activities:
- Participating in discussions to inform the scope of proposed regulations;
- Providing written submissions or comments to NRCan; and
- Validating and providing input in “What We Heard” reports that will follow each engagement session.
The development of IMARs relies on the ongoing engagement and dialogue with Indigenous groups. RecipientsFootnote 3 are responsible to effectively carry out their obligations under these guidelines and their contribution agreements.
Recipients must:
- Ensure that expenditures are in accordance with the eligible expenditures and activities listed in the section entitled “Eligibility” and stated in their agreement.
NRCan is offering funding up to $30,000 per contribution agreement to reimburse costs incurred through participation in engagement activities in fiscal year 2024 to 2025 as part of Phase 2. IMARs has $1.38 million of funding from April 1, 2024 until March 31, 2025 allocated for participant funding as part of the planned engagement. NRCan receives a fixed annual budget for IMARs and administers it to provide limited financial contributions to eligible recipients in a fair and transparent manner.
NRCan may not be able to cover all expenses incurred and participants are encouraged to investigate other sources of funding or in-kind support. Additional details regarding eligible expenditures and activities can be found in the section entitled “Eligibility”.
Eligible recipients
Eligible recipients include:
- Indigenous groups;
- Tribal Councils or entities that fulfill a similar function (e.g., general council);
- National and regional Indigenous councils, and tribal organizations;
- Indigenous (majority owned and controlled by Indigenous people) for-profit and not-for-profit organizations; and
- Members of Indigenous groups with community knowledge, Indigenous traditional knowledge or input relevant to the policy dialogue, and with interest in the issues discussed through the policy dialogue.
Eligible activities
Eligible activities include:
Eligible activities include:
- Travel to and participate in meetings with NRCan to learn about the possible Indigenous Ministerial Arrangements Regulations and engage in discussions regarding development of proposed regulations;
- Obtain professional services, as required, including legal or specialist knowledge related to the potential development of IMARs;
- Provide input on and validation of What We Heard reports that follow each meeting;
- Build community capacity to engage in and understand the potential development of IMARs;
- Provide honoraria and ceremonial costs; and
- Other activities, upon approval, deemed necessary to ensure meaningful participation in the potential development of IMARs.
NOTE: Applications submitted after January 1, 2025 may need to be adjusted to account for a short timeframe to participate in IMARs engagement activities before the end of the fiscal year.
We recommend contacting the IMARs Team (imar-rama@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca) if you are submitting an application after this date.
Eligible expenditures
Eligible expenditures include:
- Travel expenses, including accommodation, meal and incidental allowances based on National Joint Council rates;
- Professional fees (including legal fees);
- Salaries and wages;
- Salaries and wages typically refers to time spent working on IMARs by salaried employees that is over and above regular daily activities;
- Rental of office space/meeting rooms;
- Telecommunication charges;
- Communication materials;
- Hospitality, honoraria and ceremonial costs;
- Honoraria and ceremonial costs typically refers to costs associated with providing Indigenous traditional or community knowledge relevant to the engagement activity;
- The recipient to whom honoraria is provided cannot be in receipt of a salary or any other direct income for the activity for which an honorarium is claimed;
- Purchase, lease or rental of equipment (including monitoring equipment, computer/IT equipment and software), including all related and necessary costs;
- GST, PST or HST, net of any tax rebate to which the recipient is entitled;
- Overhead expenditures, provided that they are directly related to the conduct of IMARs work and can be attributed to it. Overhead expenditures may be included in the total costs to a maximum of 15% of eligible expenditures.
- Overhead expenditures include:
- Administrative support provided directly to the project by the recipients employee(s), valued on the same basis as professional staff time;
- Overhead expenditures typically refers to administrative work required to participate in IMARs (e.g., financial tracking/reporting, communication, and logistics); and
- Heat, hydro and office operating costs (e.g. Internet, telephone).
- Administrative support provided directly to the project by the recipients employee(s), valued on the same basis as professional staff time;
- Overhead expenditures include:
Ineligible expenditures
Costs that are not eligible include:
- Costs and expenses incurred prior to April 1, 2024; and
- Costs related to lobbying.
The deadline to submit a funding application was February 7, 2025. NRCan is no longer accepting applications for fiscal year 2024-2025.
Assessment criteria
Applications will be individually assessed based on specific criteria and information provided. NRCan will assess all applications based on applicant eligibility, eligible activities and the merits criteria listed below when making funding decisions.
Applications will be assessed based on the following criteria:
- Alignment with objectives of Phase 2 of IMARs (as outlined under the section entitled “Objectives");
- Alignment with eligibility requirements (as listed under the section entitled “Eligibility”);
- Feasibility of proposed activities (timelines, number of individuals and/or groups involved);
- Financial viability (value for contribution, reasonable costs);
- Risk (complexity of proposed activities, timelines); and
- Availability of contributions budget.
Required Information
In order to adequately assess applications, NRCan requires the following information to be able render a funding decision:
- A completed IMARs Participant Application Form
- Supporting Documentation, if required.
Supporting documentation can include:
- Documentation that shows confirmation and/or support if you are submitting a funding application on behalf of a partnership (e.g., a Band Council Resolution, Letter of Support, etc.)
Note: This documentation is only required if you selected “yes” for the question regarding Partnerships in the IMARs Participant Applicant Form.
When funding is approved, the applicant will be notified by NRCan in writing by email. The notification will include information detailing the total amount of approved funding and next steps to finalize a Contribution Agreement. A Contribution Agreement is a type of contract between NRCan and a recipient of the funds.
The Contribution Agreement, signed by the applicant and NRCan, will identify the conditions of the funding and the obligations of all signatories.
The Contribution Agreement includes conditions of payment. There are three ways that funds can be provided to the recipient: advance payments, reimbursement/final payments, or retroactive payments.
Advance payments
Advance payments may be provided to recipients where they can demonstrate a cash flow requirement for funding to be provided prior to incurring eligible expenditures.
Reimbursements/Final payments
Payments will be made based on receipt and approval of financial reports and final narrative reports. Payments will be made on the basis of costs incurred and upon the receipt of proper documentation as defined in the contribution agreement. A final payment will not be made until all project activities have been completed and are deemed acceptable to NRCan.
Retroactive payments
Recipients will be allowed to incur eligible expenditures from the earlier of the notification of the commencement of the engagement process or the notification of funding approval. Eligible expenditures will only be reimbursed upon the formal signing of a contribution agreement. Retroactive expenditures will be reimbursed up to 100% of the contribution in that fiscal year when deemed appropriate. The claims for retroactive payment must include supporting documents.
All eligible expenditures listed in the section entitled “Eligible Expenditures” will be eligible for retroactive payment. NRCan will issue payments once it is satisfied that the retroactive expenditures are directly related to the costs incurred for the development of IMARs. Only projects that proceed to contribution agreements will be eligible to claim retroactive eligible expenditures incurred.
Monitoring and reporting
The Recipient may be requested to submit claim forms and reports in sufficient detail to enable the Department to:
- carry out the post-completion monitoring called for in the funding arrangement; and
- evaluate the effectiveness of the contributions.
Recipients need to keep their claim forms and reports for three years from the time they incur their expenses.
Key dates
The development of IMARs is following a five-phased approach.
Phase 1 – Early touch-base (2022)
This phase was completed in 2022 to 2023. Inform Indigenous groups, landowner groups, and the CER Indigenous Advisory Committee about the development of an engagement strategy.
Phase 2 – Engagement and Regulatory Design (Launched in April 2024)
To determine the extent to which Indigenous governing bodies want to be involved in the regulatory development process and the overall considerations to help inform the development of regulations.
- Key milestones expected during Phase 2 include:
- A finalized and validated What We Heard Report to highlight major themes and feedback to Phase 2 discussion questions as captured through meeting notes and written submissions; and
- A published Regulatory Proposal that determines high-level themes and considerations of what should be included in proposed regulations.
- Key milestones expected during Phase 2 include:
Phase 3 – Regulatory Development
To draft the proposed Indigenous Ministerial Arrangements Regulations in accordance with Government of Canada requirements.
- Key milestones expected during Phase 3 include:
- Proposed Indigenous Ministerial Arrangements Regulations are designed and drafted.
- Key milestones expected during Phase 3 include:
Phase 4 – Wrap-up
Completeness and coming into force of the Indigenous Ministerial Arrangements Regulations.
- Key milestones expected during Phase 4 include:
- Proposed regulations are published for consultation; and
- Following consultation, the regulations are finalized and posted to the Canada Gazette before coming into force.
- Key milestones expected during Phase 4 include:
Phase 5 – Administrative process for Arrangements
To ensure the administrative process is established for the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Canada to enter into arrangements with Indigenous governing bodies, at the discretion of the Minister.
- Key milestones expected during Phase 5 include:
- Administrative process for the Minister of NRCan is finalized and established
- Key milestones expected during Phase 5 include:
Ultimate outcomes:
- Enhance Canada’s regulatory efficiency by including Indigenous governing bodies in a meaningful way through the project lifecycle;
- Continue to improve upon authentic and meaningful engagement led by NRCan;
- Fulfilling Canada’s commitments in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act Action Plan by creating opportunities to work in consultation and cooperation with First Nation, Métis, and Inuit communities, governments and organizations while developing the proposed IMARs; and
- Seek to leverage and align with partner organizations by exploring emerging opportunities to enhance Indigenous governing bodies’ participation in decision-making processes.
Related information
Contact us
For additional information on the proposed IMARs or to submit comments in writing, please send an email to Indigenous Ministerial Arrangements Regulations at: imar-rama@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca.