Proposed Indigenous Ministerial Arrangements Regulations – Phases of engagement

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Participate in the regulatory development process

If you're interested in participating in an engagement session or learning more about the proposed Indigenous Ministerial Arrangements Regulations (IMARs) through our virtual webinars; please send an email to:

In 2022 to 2023, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), conducted Phase 1 Early Touch-Base sessions with Indigenous groups, landowner groups, and the Canada Energy Regulator (CER)’s Indigenous Advisory Committee to inform the development of an engagement strategy. The subsequent four phases are described in the following outline.

Phases are subject to change.

  1. Phase 1: Early Touch-Base (2022)

    Status: Completed

    Inform Indigenous groups, landowner groups, the CER Indigenous Advisory Committee, and CER-regulated companies about the development of an engagement strategy.

  2. Phase 2: Engagement and Regulatory Design (Launched in April 2024)

    Status: In progress

    To determine the extent to which Indigenous governing bodies want to be involved in the regulatory development process and the overall considerations to help inform the development of regulations.

    Identify Indigenous governing bodies (on a distinctions-basis) who are interested in participating in engagement sessions to develop the proposed IMARs

    • Promotion of the proposed IMARs development process through emails/letters, NRCan website, CER website, word of mouth, through other government departments, conferences, and social media
    • Application process for recipients as part of participant funding
    • Review of received applications
    • Completed Contribution Agreements

    Initiate engagement sessions

    • Meet with Indigenous groups, in-person or online
    • Compilation of What we heard reports
    • Regular meetings with CER and NRCan UNDA-I Team to keep them informed on progress

    Regulatory Proposal

    • Development of a Regulatory Proposal
    • Continuous analysis of consistency with the UN Declaration as per Section 5 of the UN Declaration Act, consult with Indigenous groups on findings for the proposed regulations
    • Presentation to NRCan and CER senior management

    Completion of Phase 2 to help inform Phase 3

    • Validate Regulatory Proposal and What we heard report(s) with Indigenous groups
    • Translation and publication of final What we heard report and Regulatory Proposal
    • Presentation to NRCan and CER
  3. Phase 3: Regulatory Development

    To draft the proposed Indigenous Ministerial Arrangements Regulations in accordance with Government of Canada requirements.

    Further engagement with Indigenous groups and other stakeholders based on feedback received in Phase 2

    • Refined Regulatory Proposal

    Departmental analysis and Triage approval

    • Complete Triage template
    • Get approval from the Treasury Board Secretariate (TBS) on Triage, as well as agreement on level costs impacts

    Conduct impact assessments for Canadians as part of regulatory development process

    • Complete Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement (RIAS) template
    • Get approval from TBS on RIAS template

    Begin drafting regulations with Department of Justice (DoJ)

    • Draft regulations based on feedback received in Phase 2

    TBS approval of draft regulations and review by Privy Council Office and DoJ

    • Draft regulations completed
    • Receive Blue Stamp

    Completion of Phase 3 to help inform Phase 4

    • Presentation to Indigenous groups, NRCan and CER senior management
  4. Phase 4: Wrap up

    Completeness and coming into force of the Indigenous Ministerial Arrangements Regulations.

    Publication of proposed regulations

    • Canada Gazette, Part I

    Conduct analysis of feedback received

    • Updating regulations
    • Keep Indigenous groups, NRCan and CER senior management informed of feedback


    • Governor in Council approval of regulations

    Final regulations completed

    • Canada Gazette, Part II
  5. Phase 5: Administrative process for arrangements

    To ensure the administrative process is established for the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Canada to enter into arrangements with Indigenous governing bodies, at the discretion of the Minister.


Contact us

For additional information on the proposed IMARs or to submit comments in writing, please send an email to Indigenous Ministerial Arrangements Regulations at: