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Fire monitoring and reporting tool

The Fire Monitoring, Accounting and Reporting System (FireMARS) is a complex, leading-edge system developed at Natural Resources Canada by the Canadian Forest Service and the Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation (formerly the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing), with support from the Canadian Space Agency.

A wildland fire spreading from treetop to treetop.

A crown fire in Ontario’s boreal forest.
Photo: Brian Stocks

FireMARS provides:

FireMARS includes four key components:

Small-scale map of Canada from the National Burned Area Composite showing areas impacted by wildland fire and an inset of the 30 metres resolution available.

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Burned areas mapped annually from the National Burned Area Composite since 1986.

Fire releases significant amounts of carbon and greenhouse gases from Canada’s forests each year. In extreme years, carbon emissions from wildland fires across the country approach the level of emissions from all fossil fuel sources.

With forest fire frequency and severity expected to increase in a changing climate, it is especially important to measure and monitor carbon emissions from fire. NBAC data, fine and coarse spatial resolution satellite data and data from provincial and territorial agencies, are used for estimating emissions in Canada’s National Forest Carbon, Monitoring, Accounting and Reporting System.


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