Status - Closed
The Call for Applications is now closed.
About the fund
Under the Fighting and Managing Wildfire in a Changing Climate program (FMWCC), the Training Fund provides $28 million over five years starting in 2022-23. The objective of this fund is to train 1,000 new community-based firefighters, to reduce the risk from wildfire and support community-based capacity.
Starting in 2022-23, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) launched a 2-year Wildfire Training Pilot to inform the design of the full launch of the Wildfire Training Fund. This pilot initiative supported projects from Indigenous organizations and communities to:
- increase firefighting capacity; and
- build community capacity to mitigate, prepare, and respond to wildfires in remote and Indigenous communities experiencing more frequent and more extreme wildfires.
Recipients and stacking limit
Eligible recipients | Stacking |
Not-for-profit organizations | Up to 100% |
For profit organizations | Up to 75% |
Indigenous organizations, groups and communities | Up to 100% |
Canadian academic institutions | Up to 100% |
Provincial, territorial, regional and municipal governments and their departments and agencies | Up to 100% |
Funds may be used for expenses that are related to achieving the FMWCC’s objective and are necessary for implementing and conducting the project. For more information, please refer to the Application Guide.
How to apply
Step 1. Read the Application Guide.
Step 2. Open the Application Guide to download the Application Form and the Project Budget and Workplan [22 kb Excel]. Complete both forms.
Step 3. Submit your completed application package by email, including the Application Form and the Project Budget and Workplan (templates located in the Application Guide) before February 1, 2024, 11:59 pm PST.
Contact us
If you have any other questions or comments, email wildfireprograms-programmesdefeuxdeforet@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca.