Nuclear Innovation: Clean Energy Future


Nuclear Innovation: Clean Energy Future – NICE Future – is a new international initiative launched under the Ninth Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) in May 2018.

What you need to know

The goal is to ensure that nuclear energy receives appropriate representation in high-level discussions about clean energy.

This allows for a focus on full-scale nuclear for baseload electricity as well as innovative technologies and integrated renewable-nuclear energy systems across four focus areas:

  • Technology evaluations of innovative energy systems and uses
  • Engagement of policy makers and stakeholders in future energy choices
  • Valuation, market structure, and ability to finance
  • Communicating nuclear energy’s role in clean, integrated energy systems

The objective is to start a dialogue among clean energy stakeholders to:

  1. Bring nuclear energy to broader multilateral discussions on clean energy at both the ministerial and working levels;
  2. Engage both nuclear and non-nuclear energy policy makers and stakeholders in a discussion on the role of nuclear energy in integrated clean energy systems of the future; and
  3. Ensure that energy policy makers are informed of the opportunities and challenges to meet global clean energy goals—covering areas of technology feasibility, economics and financing, and stakeholder perspectives.

The International Energy Agency projects that nuclear energy generation needs to double by 2040 to meet global clean energy goals.

Call For Submissions

Submit written proposals to partner with us on concrete activities under the nuclear energy initiative.

There is no template! We’re open to creative ideas that meet the following criteria:

  1. Proposals must support the objectives of the initiative;
  2. The activity must target policy makers, clean energy stakeholders or public; and,
  3. Significant weight will be given to activities that include clean energy stakeholders outside the nuclear sector and expand clean energy conversations.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  1. Propose to organize a webinar or engagement event for partnership with participating countries;
  2. Provide information or case studies on innovative applications for nuclear in hybrid energy systems; and
  3. Spread the word! Encourage other clean energy groups to participate.

Connect with us! We look forward to working together.

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Who we are

Canada, Japan, and the United States are partnering to launch NICE Future, joined by Argentina, Poland, Russia, Romania, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom. More are expected to join soon.

Find out more

About the Clean Energy Ministerial

The Clean Energy Ministerial is a global forum to promote policies and share best practices to accelerate the global transition to clean energy.

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