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Services - Smart Grid

CanmetENERGY collaborates with its partners within the framework of research consortia by sharing stimulative R&D projects and placing at your disposal equipment and analytical services. The objective is to set up demonstration projects in collaboration with partners when funding is available.


The group of research, and its partners, is formed of engineers and researchers specialized in physics, electric engineering, power electronic engineering, like under development of standards and regulation. They possess an expertise on the various aspects and components of decentralized energy resources integration systems, and in simulation of power networks.


Within the framework of our R&D partnerships, we use advanced technologies. Facilities include :

  • Inverter test bench
    • 120 kVA 3-phase grid simulator (adjustable in frequency and in tension)
    • 120 kW 3-phase resistive load with 10 W resolution
    • 120 kVAR 3-phase inductive load with 10 VAR resolution
    • 120 kVAR 3-phase capacitive load with 10 VAR resolution
    • Independent control of any combination of loads and phases
    • Programmable DC (direct current) source
    • High precision power analyzer

We also collaborate with other research laboratories in Canada, in United States and in Europe.


Managed by CanmetENERGY at the Varennes (Quebec) research centre.

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