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Electricity infrastructure

Information on sustainable electricity power generation, transmission, and distribution

Electricity in Canada

Learn more about why Canada is a world leader in hydro electricity production.

Powering Canada’s Future: A Clean Electricity Strategy

Outlines the vision for the electricity sector, the comprehensive federal supports, principles and considerations guiding federal actions to collaborate with provinces and territories, as well as key focus areas and next steps.

Canada’s Clean Electricity Vision

Lays out why expanding the clean electricity system is important, highlights work to date, and outlines initial federal supports

Canada Electricity Advisory Council

Biographies, terms of reference, and interim and final reports of the independent, expert advisory body.

Smart grids

Find out more about this modern grid integration of renewable energy called “smart grid”

Smart Grid Program

This $100 million program saw investments to better utilize electricity assets, and foster innovation and clean jobs for the demonstration of smart grid technologies and the deployment of smart grid integrated systems. The program was renewed in Budget 2023 and closed for applications in January 2024.


Two regional dialogues and studies were conducted in Western and Atlantic Canada. The studies used simulation models to assess promising electricity infrastructure projects to help specific regions meet their future electricity needs while lowering GHG emissions.

A summary of the technical findings and respective regional policy environments are captured in two reports:

Full technical reports are available upon request (available in English only). Please contact, and indicate the report of interest,

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