Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) has engaged with First Nations, Inuit and Métis partners and natural resources sector industry stakeholders (both Indigenous and non-Indigenous) since 2021, working closely with the Department of Justice, to identify key priorities and measures that helped shape the UN Declaration Act Action Plan.
This ongoing work will serve as the foundation for a viable and equitable future in the natural resources sector.
Continuous engagement
As NRCan introduces or amends acts and/or regulations for which we are responsible, in consistency with section 5 of the UN Declaration Act, we are working in consultation and cooperation with Indigenous peoples to have their voices meaningfully influence and inform the development and implementation of initiatives which impact their rights and interests.
We are also consulting and cooperating on measures NRCan is leading/co-leading in the action plan, as well as collaborating with a broad range of voices in the natural resources sector through ongoing dialogue.
We encourage you to regularly visit this web page to stay informed about these activities, learn how to participate, and share your thoughts!
Previous discussions on UNDA implementation at NRCan
Phase 1 (December 2021 to December 2022)
Phase 1 focused on the identification of priorities and potential measures for a draft action plan.
During this phase, NRCan held 5 roundtable discussions with over 300 industry partners, including Indigenous associations in the low-carbon energy, mining, forestry and oil and gas sectors, Indigenous industry associations, and National Indigenous Organizations.
Across all discussions, 3 emerging themes were captured, namely: (1) free, prior and informed consent, (2) coordination of federal, provincial and territorial approaches to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and (3) resource capacity challenges in Indigenous communities.
Phase 2 (March 2023 to June 2023)
Building on discussions from phase 1, NRCan continued to work with industry and Indigenous partners, seeking feedback on measures contained in the draft action plan to inform the action plan’s finalization.
Topics that were covered helped determine 4 measures relevant to the natural resources sector for projects that are federally regulated, namely:
- Safety and security of Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people
- Guidance on engaging with Indigenous Peoples on natural resources projects
- Economic participation of Indigenous Peoples and their communities in natural resource development
- Indigenous participation in decision-making
Related links
- Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act at NRCan
- Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People Act (Department of Justice)
- Participate in shaping the National Benefits - Sharing Framework
- Public consultations and engagements