Indigenous Natural Resource Partnerships

Status: Due to high demand, the Indigenous Natural Resource Partnerships (INRP) Program will no longer be accepting applications.

The Indigenous Natural Resource Partnerships (INRP) Program aims to increase the economic participation of Indigenous communities and organizations in the development of natural resource projects that support the transition to a clean energy future.

INRP has $80 million in contributions funding for projects that:

  • increase the capacity of Indigenous communities to engage in, benefit from, actively participate in and/or capitalize on economic development opportunities in the natural resource sectors;
  • increase the investment and/or collaboration between Indigenous Peoples and other natural resource development stakeholders, including governments, industry, and non-governmental organizations.

Priority will be given to projects that:

  • result in benefits to multiple Indigenous communities and/or organizations
  • support community capacity to transition to and participate in projects that contribute to Canada’s net-zero objectives and shift to clean energy (including critical minerals development).

All projects must be completed by March 31, 2027.

For a complete list of assessment considerations, please refer to the INRP Program Guide.

Please email for more information or to discuss your project idea.

Research projects

A list of projects funded through the renewed and expanding INRP is available. This list contains project descriptions, timeframes, lead organizations and funding amounts.

The INRP supports Indigenous-led projects.

Eligible recipients include:

  • Indigenous communities or governments (including Indian Act bands, self-governing First Nations, Métis Community Organizations, modern treaty implementation organizations including economic development corporations constituted under a modern treaty, etc.)
  • Tribal Councils or entities that fulfill a similar function (e.g., general council)
  • Regional and national Indigenous organizations
  • Indigenous not-for-profit (50% or greater control by Indigenous peoples) and for-profit (50% or greater control by an Indigenous community / communities) corporations, businesses, joint ventures, partnerships, associations, co-operatives and institutions
  • Academic institutions and research associations working with an Indigenous partner organization

NOTE: INRP does not fund businesses controlled by individual entrepreneurs.

Eligible Activities

Examples could include:

  • Studies, plans, evaluations, assessments or related activities to identify or develop economic or business opportunities
  • Strategic, business, human resources, marketing and financial planning or community economic development planning
  • Identification of opportunities, application and development of agreements or licenses
  • Development or expansion of Indigenous joint ventures, partnerships or businesses
  • Capacity development and training
  • Development of tools, technology, products, services and systems
  • Engineering design, environmental planning and permitting or other project design activities
  • Site development, facility construction and commissioning, and business start-up and expansion operations

Budget 2022 allocated $80 million over five years starting in 2022-23, to renew and expand the Indigenous Partnerships Office (IPO) and the INRP Program to make it a national natural resource sector-wide program. At least $25 million of this funding is to be dedicated to early engagement and Indigenous communities’ capacity building to support their participation in the Critical Minerals Strategy.