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GTS-2 Certificate of Analysis

GTS-2 is discontinued and no longer available for purchase.

Certified Reference Material: Gold Tailings Reference Material

Printable version of the certificate (PDF, 933.54 kb)

First Issued: October 1994
Version: October 2008


GTS-2 is a gold tailings sample obtained from Placer Dome Canada Limited, South Porcupine, Ontario. It is intended to replace GTS-1, which is now depleted. GTS-1 was a composite of tailing from Placer Dome and the Macassa Division of Lac Minerals.

The sample for GTS-2 was taken from the No. 5 Dam and shipped under water in two 45-gallon drums to CANMET for processing.

The liquid from the bulk sample was decanted, and the remainder was dried on steam beds for 12 hours. Once dried, the material was passed through a jaw crusher to break up agglomerates. The resultant sample was screened directly, in batches, without further milling. The weight of -200-mesh material obtained was 611 kg.

GTS-2 was blended according to a split-blending protocol, and bottled in 1497 400-g units.

The ore at Placer Dome Canada's Dome Mine consists of gold in quartz and ankerite; pyrite and pyrrhotite are present to the extent of about 2.5%. The host rocks are intermediate greenstone, conglomerate, slate, and porphyry. The ore is treated with sodium cyanide, and the gangue is disposed of as tailings.

The homogeneity of the stock with respect to its gold content was confirmed at CANMET using bottles chosen according to a stratified random sampling scheme.


Thirty-one industrial, commercial, and government laboratories participated in an interlaboratory certification program by providing gold analyses by methods of each laboratory's choice. Several laboratories also provided analyses for many other elements. A statistical analysis of the data yielded a certified value for gold and information values for twenty other constituents. Data for the remaining elements was either inadequate or inconclusive, but will be disclosed in the final report.

Certification history

GTS-2 was released in 1994. The 2008 version of the certificate has no technical additions or revisions.

Period of validity

These certified values are valid until December 31, 2030. Updates will be published on the CCRMP web site.

Legal notice

The Canadian Certified Reference Materials Project has prepared this reference material and statistically evaluated the analytical data of the inter-laboratory certification program to the best of its ability. The purchaser, by receipt hereof, releases and indemnifies the Canadian Certified Reference Materials Project from and against all liability and costs arising out of the use of this material and information.

Recommended value
Constituent Au
µg/g oz/ton
Mean 0.263 0.0077
95% confidence limits ± 0.005 ± 0.0001


Information values
Constituent wt %
Al2O3 12.
CaO 5.7
Fe2O3 tot 11.1
K2O 2.2
MgO 4.3
Na2O 0.9
P2O5 0.2
SiO2 50.
TiO2 0.75
LOI 9.3
S tot 0.8
C tot 2.4


Information values
Element µg/g
Ag 1
As 110
Ba 190
Cr 250
Cu 100
Ni 90
Sr 95
V 40
Zn 210

For further information

The certification report is available free of charge on request.

555 Booth Street
Ottawa, ON  K1A 0G1

Telephone: 343-543-6830
E-mail: Contact CCRMP

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