Offering finer detail than satellite imagery, aerial photographs continue to be used today in map-making, urban and rural planning, environmental impact studies, civil law cases, and real estate evaluations. Natural Resources Canada houses the Government of Canada’s National Air Photo Library.
National Air Photo Library
The National Air Photo Library (NAPL) of Natural Resources Canada archives over 6 million aerial photographs covering all of Canada, some of which date back to the 1920s.
The NAPL indexes and stores federal aerial photography for Canada, and maintains a comprehensive historical archive and public reference centre.
For more information on products and services, please contact National Air Photo Library.
The National Air Photo Library will be open to the public starting June 30 2022.
We highly recommend contacting our team to make an appointment before your visit, in order to avoid long delays.
** IMPORTANT: Note that health guidelines apply to all visitors: mask or face-covering is mandatory in a federal building.
Please submit your orders via the EODMS website. All orders will be processed, but due to a large volume of pending work requests, please expect longer delays.
For further information, contact us at 613-995-4560 / 1-800-230-6275 or
Thank you, NAPL team.
Online search for aerial photographs
The Earth Observation Data Management System (EODMS) online application enables public and government users to search and order raw Government of Canada Earth Observation images and archived product managed by NRCan such as aerial photos and satellite imageries.
The EODMS online application allows clients to search and retrieve metadata for over 3 million out of 6 million air photos.
The EODMS online visually depicts the ’footprint’ of air photos on a seamless map background. After a search is completed, the air photos can be ordered from National Air Photo Library (NAPL).
To access air photos, you can visit the Earth Observation Data Management System.