
Pronunciation Key Indigenous language
ahk-weh-sahs-neh Kanien'kéha (Mohawk)
Partridge in the Akwesasne forest.

Source: Getty Images


Ne Ahkwesásne ronata’karité:nion tsi ronatoriá:neron tánon róntstha ne Kanien’kéha ahronkhátshera. Ne kahsén:na “Ohkwé:sen” nithótiha (partridge kentons). Tsi nontakenhá:tie wahatiná:tonhkwe “tsi iohontsá:te ne ohkwé:sen ioti’nahkwá:’e” ne iaken’ tsi niió:re tsi kontinakeréhkwe ne otsi’tenokón:’a ne’ tho. Í:si nón:we ne 700 niionkwé:take rontá:tis ne raonahronkhátshera. (Karihwaró:ron tó: niháti rontá:tis 2021)


Akwesasne is a vibrant community. This name in the Kanien'kéha (Mohawk) language is derived from Ohkwe:sen, meaning “partridge.” Over time, it became known as “the land where the partridge drums,” as large numbers of these birds were once found there. Mohawk is spoken at home by over 700 people. (Census 2021)

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