We would like to recognize the contributions made by several organizations and individuals to this tutorial:
The bulk of the tutorial was prepared by Intermap Technologies Ltd. of Calgary and Ottawa, under contract to CCRS and funded through the User Education and Training Initiative (UETI).
RADARSAT International Inc. and the Canadian Space Agency provided permission to use much of the satellite imagery herein.
Several CCRS scientists assisted in reviewing the contents of the tutorial.
The former CCRS Multimedia Applications Section produced the various versions, contributing the coding, design, editing, graphics and quality control of the tutorial.
Permission for Use
This tutorial may be copied in any form and used for non-commercial purposes provided that: the content of any copy is not altered and, it is clearly indicated that the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing is the originator of this material.
The following publications were used in the preparation of this tutorial:
- Campbell, J.B. (1987) Introduction to Remote Sensing. The Guilford Press, New York.
- Lillesand, T.M. and Kiefer, R.W. (1994) Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York.
- Jensen, John R. (1986) Introductory Digital Image Processing. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.
- Russ, John C. (1995) The Image Processing Handbook. 2nd edition. CRC Press, Baca Raton.
- Dougherty, Edward R. and Charles R. Giardina (1987) Matrix Structured Image Processing. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.
- Computer Eye: Handbook of Image Processing. Spatial Data Systems Inc., California.
- Jain, Anil K. (1989) Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.
- Wahl, Freidrich M. (1987) Digital Image Signal Processing. Artech House, Boston.
- Yu, Francis T.S. and Suganda Jutamulia (1992) Optical Signal Processing, Computing, and Neural Networks. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
- Canada Centre for Remote Sensing/Natural Resources Canada (1997). GlobeSAR2 Radar Image Processing and Information Extraction Workbook Version 1.2. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
- Barton, D. & S. Leonov (eds.) (1997) Radar technology encyclopedia, 511 p., Artec House, Norwood, MA, USA, ISBN 0-89006-893-3
- Oliver, C. & S. Quegan (1998) Understanding synthetic aperture radar images, 479 p., Artech House, Norwood, MA, USA, ISBN 089006850X.
- Werle D. (1988 and 1992) Radar Remote Sensing - A Training Manual, 193p, 75 35mm slides, Dendron Resource Surveys Ltd, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, ISBN 0-9693733-0-9