Our minister and officials
The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources
Michael Vandergrift, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources
Jeff Labonté, Associate Deputy Minister of Natural Resources
Sectors and offices
Lands and Minerals Sector
The Lands and Minerals Sector is the centre of expertise on Canada’s landmass, and has a wealth of knowledge that contributes to the economic growth of our country and helps Canadians stay safe and adapt to a changing climate.
Strategic Policy and Innovation Sector
The Strategic Policy & Innovation Sector supports the Minister of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and Senior Management by providing integrated and evidence-based policy advice on a range of economic, international, intergovernmental, geospatial and results-driven issues.
Energy Systems Sector
The Energy Systems Sector (ESS) is responsible for Energy Policy and Electricity Systems and aims to catalyze the economic opportunities of the energy transition.
Energy Efficiency and Technology Sector
The Energy Efficiency and Technology Sector (EETS) is responsible for developing the connection between energy efficiency and technology policies, programs, and R&D in areas such as sustainable buildings.
Fuels Sector
The Fuels Sector (FS) focuses on developing a transformation to a net-zero future that supports energy security and affordability for Canadians. This includes driving down carbon intensity, building the clean fuels sector, and supporting the decarbonisation of the transport sector.
Canadian Forest Service
The Canadian Forest Service (CFS) is the national and international voice for Canada’s forest sector. CFS collaborates closely with provinces, territories, communities, and industry to ensure Canadian forests are sustainably managed and the sector is globally competitive.
Nòkwewashk is the Centre of Expertise in meaningful Indigenous participation in natural resources projects and net-zero transition. It delivers Indigenous engagement, program support and policy leadership on economic reconciliation and regulatory coordination while bringing together Indigenous partners, provinces, territories and industry in project development. To deliver key NRCan initiatives in partnership with Indigenous peoples, Nòkwewashk actively works to identify opportunities to strengthen Indigenous inclusion in the natural resource sectors while maintaining respectful relationships.
Office of the Chief Scientist
The Office of the Chief Scientist provides leadership, oversight and advice on cross-cutting science policy, capacity, communication and management issues to support a coherent, effective and modern NRCan science and technology enterprise.
Communications and Portfolio Sector
The Communications and Portfolio Sector works closely with the Deputy Minister’s Office, the Department’s senior leadership team, and other federal departments, including the Privy Council Office, to inform Canadians about NRCan’s priorities, initiatives and activities.
Corporate Management and Services Sector
The Corporate Management Services Sector ensures that NRCan can deliver on its core functions by providing policy direction, leadership and management as well as human resources, finance, procurement, project management, facilities and assets management, information management and technology, safety, security, emergency management, and real property and workplace solutions.
Legal Services
NRCan’s Legal Services Unit represents the Department of Justice as legal advisor to NRCan, providing legal advice, litigation support, and assistance with the drafting of legislation and regulations.
Audit and Evaluation Branch
The Audit and Evaluation Branch is the lead sector for effective risk management, internal controls, governance, continuous improvement and performance management. It operates independently to provide objective assurance and advisory services that add value and improve the department’s operations through effective risk management, internal controls, governance, continuous improvement and performance management.