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Product selection

How and why

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and international partners such as Natural Resources Canada decide which products become eligible for the ENERGY STAR® symbol.

Product selection is tied to the goal of moving the mainstream market.

Energy Star logo

Guiding principles for selection

1. The product category will contribute significant energy savings nationwide. This may be achieved by small per-unit savings on a product with large annual sales (e.g. laptops) or significant per-unit savings on a product with limited annual sales (e.g. commercial food service equipment).

2. Product performance can be maintained or enhanced with increased energy efficiency. The aim is to improve energy efficiency without sacrificing performance, features or functionality.

3. Purchasers will recover their investment in increased energy efficiency within a reasonable period of time. Even if there is a cost differential at time of purchase, that cost is recovered through utility bill savings.

4. Energy efficiency can be achieved through one or more technologies and by more than one manufacturer. This makes sure no one manufacturer or technology is favoured and consumers have choice and availability.

5. Product energy consumption and performance must be able to be tested according to a recognized and repeatable procedure. If there is no standard test, there is no way to prove energy savings.

6. Labelling would effectively differentiate products and be visible for purchasers. There must be a significant enough difference in energy consumption between the least and most efficient models.

Read the full document Strategic Vision and Guiding Principles [PDF - 148 KB] on the U.S. ENERGY STAR Web site.

The ENERGY STAR name and symbol are administered and promoted in Canada by Natural Resources Canada and are registered in Canada by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

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