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Extraction and Tailings

CanmetENERGY’s oil sands and heavy oil extraction and tailings research initiatives are based on fundamental science while having strong industry and real-world relevance. A significant proportion of our research is focussed on minimizing the environmental impacts of the oil sands industry while at the same time optimizing the extraction process.

Researchers and scientists work to understand and predict tailings behaviour, as well as process emulsion characterization. The recycle and reuse of water in the oil sands industry is important to the tailings and extraction portions of the process. Reduction of the conventional pollutant (as well as greenhouse gas) output of these industries is also an important part of the program. Research in this area encompasses not only energy intensity reduction (and therefore a reduction in carbon dioxide equivalent) but also direct sequestration and carbon dioxide utilization options.

To find out more about our work in extraction and tailings see our Success Stories.

Managed by CanmetENERGY at the Devon (Alberta) research centre.

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