Through its partnerships with CanmetENERGY’s Industrial Innovation Group, Canadian industry is reaping the benefits of innovative new technologies. These emerging, commercially available technologies are helping industry to use energy more efficiently while reducing the cost of doing business. Efficient industrial energy systems enhance Canada’s competitiveness and environmental performance.
The following are some examples of successful R&D partnerships between Canadian industry and CanmetENERGY’s Industrial Innovation Group.
Canadian Carbonization Research Association
For over 40 years, CanmetENERGY has been working in partnership with the Canadian Carbonization Research Association (CCRA). This partnership has served to enhance the sustainability, as well as the environmental and economic viability, of Canada’s metallurgical coal industry by demonstrating the suitability of Canadian coals for producing good quality metallurgical coke.

Sustainability and economic viability of Canadian metallurgical coal industry
The partnership between CanmetENERGY and CCRA has also demonstrated the potential for replacing metallurgical coal with biomass and for the direct use of biomass in steel production through blast furnace injection.
Canadian Steel Producers Association
Through incremental research with other partners, such as the Canadian Steel Producers Association (CSPA), CanmetENERGY has helped to reduce specific energy consumption by 26% and CO2 intensity by 30% since 1990.
Aldwich Canada
In partnership with Aldwich Canada, CanmetENERGY’s Industrial Innovation Group has developed the ROBYSTM Process, which purifies and stabilizes thermally re-cracked gas oils and greatly improves the economics of waste-oil reprocessing. The ROBYS process was commercialized by Aldwich Malaysia and has been in operation since summer 2005.

Aldwich Malaysia’s ROBYSTM Process Plant

Without ROBYSTM for the picture on the left, and With ROBYSTM for the picture on the right
Consortium on the Conversion of Natural Gas
A partnership in the Consortium on the Conversion of Natural Gas (CCNG) led CanmetENERGY to the development of hydrogen permselective ceramic membrane for a variety of industrial process applications, including the production of hydrogen for use in fuel cells, as well as methanol and hydrocarbon production.
For more information about partnering with CanmetENERGY, please contact us.