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Commissioning Guide for New Buildings

Commissioning (Cx) is an intensive quality assurance process that begins at the design phase of a new building and continues throughout its construction, occupation and operation. Cx ensures that the new building functions as the owner initially intended and that the building staff can operate the building and ensure its maintenance.
CanmetENERGY developed a guide to assist engineers, technicians, managers, owners and stakeholders of institutional and commercial buildings throughout the various steps of the Cx process.

Download the Commissioning Guide for New Buildings
(PDF, 1.8 MB)

Since each building project is unique, the specialist will adjust the Cx process to suit the specific goals of the project.

The Cx guide outlines:

  • the Cx process
  • the benefits and costs of Cx
  • the team required for Cx
  • strategies to ensure ongoing Cx benefits

Managed by CanmetENERGY at the Varennes (Quebec) research centre.

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