Wind Energy | Canada's Wind TRM

The WindTRM exercise was a series of three industry-led, government-supported Canadian wind energy stakeholder workshops aimed at identifying key issues and recommendations for the growth of the wind energy industry in Canada. Three workshops were held, with over 75 key players from industry, government and academia attending each workshop.

As Canada’s leader in wind energy technology research, CanmetENERGY played the role of secretariat to the WindTRM – bringing together industry leaders, organizing the workshops, contributing technical expertise, providing a federal government perspective to the discussions, and coordinating the development of the final report.

Download the Wind Technology Roadmap Summary Report (PDF, 4MB)
Download the Wind Technology Roadmap Appendices (PDF, 7MB)
Download Canada's Wind Resource Map (PDF, 3MB)

Funding for the technology roadmap exercise was provided by Natural Resources Canada, Industry Canada, and Environment Canada.