Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program funding – Indigenous organizations

Notice: Due to popular demand, the $7M allocated for the ZEVIP Indigenous Organizations Stream is fully allocated. Almost $8 million in NRCan funding—$1 million more than initially earmarked—is supporting six Indigenous organizations’ projects representing over 100 chargers across Canada. The initial ambition of this stream has been exceeded, and accordingly, is no longer accepting new applications for projects at this time. For future RFP updates, please visit our program calendar.


The Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program (ZEVIP) is a $680 million program that was launched in 2019. The program aims to address the lack of charging infrastructure and hydrogen refuelling stations in Canada, one of the key barriers to zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) adoption, by increasing the availability of localized charging and hydrogen refuelling opportunities where Canadians live, work, and play.

This Request for Proposals (RFP) targets ZEV infrastructure projects to be carried out by Indigenous organizations. Only applications that meet ZEVIP’s requirements as outlined below will be considered for funding opportunities.  

NOTICE: Due to popular demand, the ZEVIP Indigenous Organizations Stream is currently oversubscribed. We are not accepting applications for Indigenous Organizations projects at this time. For future updates, please visit our program calendar.

Eligibility criteria

Eligible applicants

To be considered for funding under ZEVIP, applicants must be one of the following:

  • Indigenous communities
  • For-profit and not-for-profit businesses and organizations that clearly demonstrate ownership and controlling interests by Indigenous groups.
  • First Nations (bands or councils under the Indian Act)
  • Tribal councils
  • Inuit organizations

The term “Indigenous” is understood to include Inuit, Métis, First Nations, or any combination thereof. 

If the applicant organization is listed in Indigenous Services Canada’s Indigenous Business Directory or Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada’s First Nation Profile, the applicant can provide a link to their listing to demonstrate eligibility for this funding program.

With your application, please provide a copy of the articles of incorporation or registration to confirm that the organization is validly incorporated or registered when applicable. 

Softwood lumber companies and those that are vertically integrated with them are not eligible for funding support under this program.

Projects must be submitted by the organization (the Proponent) that will own the infrastructure and that will be incurring the bulk of the expenditures. Proof of eligible expenditures for reimbursement needs to be under the name of the Proponent.

Eligible projects

To be considered for funding, the project must meet the following requirements:

  • Increase localized charging or hydrogen refuelling opportunities in public places, on-street, in multi-unit residential buildings, at workplaces, or for vehicle fleets.
    For EV charging infrastructure projects, your proposal must include:
    • a) A minimum of one (1) fast charger of 100 kW and above; or
    • b) A minimum of two (2) fast chargers of 50 kW and above; or
    • c) A minimum of twenty (20) chargers of all charging levels.
    For Level 2 chargers, each connector can count as a unit towards the minimum of 20 chargers if each connector can charge a vehicle at the same time.
    Fast chargers with multiple connectors and capable of charging multiple vehicles simultaneously and independently at a given output level may be eligible to receive additional funding. The funding amount of multi-connector chargers will be based on the maximum simultaneous output level of operating connectors.
  • Other proprietary connector types may represent a maximum of 75% of all charging connectors installed at the same project site. The remaining balance (25% or more) must be universal charging connectors (J1772, J1772 Combo) of the same category (that is, Level 2 or fast charger).
  • For hydrogen refuelling projects, the station must be capable of dispensing hydrogen at 350 bar minimum for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles and 700 bar minimum for light-duty vehicles.
  • The work performed must comply with all applicable local codes (for example, building and electrical) and bylaws (for example, zoning and parking).

Eligible expenditures

Eligible expenditures for an approved project under ZEVIP must be directly related to, and necessary for, the implementation and conduct of the project and will include:

  • salary and benefits
  • professional services (for example, scientific, technical, management; contracting; engineering; construction; installation, testing and commissioning of equipment; training; marketing; data collection; logistics; printing; distribution)
  • reasonable travel costs, including transportation, meals, and accommodation
  • capital expenses, including informatics and other equipment or infrastructure
  • rental fees or leasing costs
  • licence fees and permits
  • costs associated with environmental assessments
  • honoraria and ceremonial costs for Indigenous recipients working with Indigenous peoples
  • GST, PST, and HST net of any tax rebate to which the recipient is entitled
  • overhead expenses directly related to the project will be considered to a maximum of 15% of eligible expenditures

Ineligible expenditures for reimbursement under ZEVIP include:

  • in-kind
  • land costs
  • legal costs
  • ongoing operating costs (for example, electricity consumption, operation, maintenance, networking fees, subscription fees)
  • costs incurred outside the Eligible Expenditure Period, including those for preparing this application

Ongoing operating costs (for example, electricity consumption, operation, maintenance, networking fees, subscription fees) and costs incurred before a project is approved by NRCan, including costs for preparing this application, are not attributable to the project (out of scope).

Eligible zero-emission vehicle infrastructure technologies

In order to be considered for funding, projects must be:

  • located in Canada
  • a permanent installation (hard-wired)
  • have new and purchased equipment (not leased)
  • for a new installation or expansion of an existing installation (not for the replacement of an existing installation)
  • certified for use in Canada (for example, CSA, UL, Interlink) and be commercially available

In order to be considered for funding, electric vehicle chargers must:

  • include one or more of the following charging connector types:
    • SAE J1772 standard (Level 2: 208/240 V)
    • SAE J1772 Combo (for fast chargers)
    • Other proprietary connector types may represent a maximum of 75% of all charging connectors installed at the same project site, with the balance corresponding to one of those above
  • be connected (ability to communicate to other chargers, server, or cloud, or connected using software)

In order to be considered for funding, the hydrogen refuelling station must:

  • be capable of dispensing hydrogen at 350 bar minimum for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles and 700 bar minimum for light-duty vehicles

Funding activities

Maximum funding amount

NRCan’s contribution through ZEVIP will be limited to a maximum of 2 million dollars ($2,000,000) per project.

Financial support for projects is based on the total amount of funds available for ZEVIP and the program timeframe. Funding is subject to an appropriation by Parliament for the fiscal year in which payments are to be made.

ZEVIP will pay up to 75% of Total Project Costs, up to maximum amounts as shown in the following table:

Table 1: Maximum funding for type of infrastructure:

Type of infrastructure Output Maximum funding for Indigenous businesses and communities
Level 2 (208/240 V) connector 3.3 kW to 19.2 kW Up to 75% of total project costs, to a maximum of $7,500 per connector
Fast charger 20 kW to 49 kW Up to 75% of total project costs, to a maximum of $22,500 per charger
Fast charger 50 kW to 99 kW Up to 75% of total project costs, to a maximum of $75,000 per charger
Fast charger 100 kW to 199 kW Up to 75% of total project costs, to a maximum of $112,500 per charger
Fast charger 200 kW and above Up to 75% of total project costs, to a maximum of $150,000 per charger
Hydrogen refuelling station Dispensing at 350 bar minimum for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles and 700 bar minimum for light-duty vehicles Up to 75% of total project costs, to a maximum of $1,500,000 per site

How to apply

This program funding stream is no longer accepting applications.

Service standards

Our goal is to achieve our service standards at least 80% of the time under normal circumstances:

  • acknowledge receipt of application and/or proposal within 5 business days.
  • provide funding decisions within 100 calendar days.
  • send you a draft Contribution Agreement for review within 30 business days of issuing the Letter of Conditional Approval.
  • send you a payment within 30 business days of receipt of a duly completed and documented payment claim.

Changing how we work

To make funding more accessible for Indigenous communities, we’re committed to changing the way we work and improving community access to federal funding and resources. For ZEVIP, we are:

  • Offering flexible timelines
  • Removing barriers & increasing access

Contact us

For additional information, email

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