Executive Summary
This report will present an analysis of the existing regulatory framework, including identifying all relevant codes, standards and regulations for the installation and operation of EVSE across Canada. It will also present information focused on three primary goals stated below:
- Illustrate a matrix of regulations and jurisdictions to enable identification of overlap
- Results from consultations with relevant Authorities Having Jurisdiction
- Results from consultations with Canadian industry stakeholders, to determine their needs
This report presents ten (10) overall conclusions and recommendations, primarily focused on addressing adoption of codes and standards; regulatory differences across provincial/territorial and municipal jurisdictions; differences as EVSE are deployed for various “in use and occupancy” applications impacted by planning, zoning and bylaws; and aspects of EVSE related to energy boards, utility boards, Electric Vehicle Energy Management Systems (EVEMS) and energy measurement.
One primary key conclusion and associated recommendation was a direct result of an industry and regulator stakeholder workshop which generated 10 specific opportunities presented in this report for consideration and prioritization. Key area of focus included:
- areas to enhance education, understanding and adoption of selected existing codes, standards and supporting regulations,
- the development of common guidelines, best practices and lessons learned to encourage the acceptance and advance the standards based on existing and future deployments
- need to for all stakeholders to actively participate in future enhancements of existing and new standards based on new technologies and a specific focus to address clarification around EVEMS and energy measurements requirements
As well, the workshop generated an opportunity to consider the development of a best practices guideline or template for all utilities to define sale of electricity and re-allocation to multi-unit building owners and public accessible parking lots and to potentially develop a new standard defining electrical rough-in content for multi-unit and multi-use buildings and requirements which may then be incorporated into codes and regulations.
The second primary conclusion and associated recommendation recognized that there will be Canadian revisions to existing codes, standards and regulations needed to support future technologies like higher power levels of DC fast charging, wireless inductive charging, grid storage systems and its impact on EVSE and for vehicles from Class 6 through Class 8 where additional and unique EVSE requirements are expected. This then resulted in a recommendation to consider a detailed study and consultations focused on gathering early code, standard and regulatory requirements focused on these areas.
Full report available upon request. Please contact: NRCan.alternative_fuels-alternative_fuels.RNCan@canada.ca.