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Integrate energy efficiency into your living space

The living room is a busy hub for your family – from game nights to Saturday morning cartoons – a lot of time and energy are spent here.

You can make the busiest hub of your home the most energy efficient! Once you’re done, you can kick your feet up on the coffee table (we won’t tell!) and relax knowing you’re simultaneously slashing those utility bills and helping the fight against climate change. Here are four easy steps to integrate energy efficiency into your living space.

Stream smart

Family watched movie on tablet

Spending a lazy Sunday watching your favourite shows or every sport the world has to offer? Stream smart by using a tablet instead of a laptop or desktop to reduce energy usage. Did you know that game consoles use a lot of energy when compared to most digital media devices? If you’re using your console to stream media, check out our infographic to learn how you can stream smarter!

Find comfort with the sun

Open up your curtains and blinds to let the sun in. This will not only provide you with a refreshing dose of natural light, but the warmth of the sun will also help warm up your space. This is a no-cost trick to reducing energy consumption by eliminating the need for overhead lighting and creating a natural heat source! So turn off those artificial lights, enjoy the outside view and save on energy.

Get savvy with your thermostat

An easy way to save is to set your thermostat for optimal energy saving temperatures. When you’re away or sleeping, set your thermostat to 17°C. While you’re awake and at home, set it to 20°C. Keep these temperatures in mind next time you want to crank up the thermostat. Instead, try grabbing a blanket and getting cozy with a book on the couch.

If you don’t already have one, consider making the upgrade to an ENERGY STAR® certified smart thermostat. These thermostats learn the temperature you like and establish a schedule that automatically adjusts to energy-saving temperatures helping you reduce your home energy consumption by at least 8%! Many of them will automatically adjust the temperature when your house is empty for an extended period.

Let the air flow

White floor vent next to wall with electrical socket. Wood flooring and white simple trim

Give air vents, baseboard heaters and air grilles the space they need to work efficiently. You might need to re-arrange some furniture to make sure these vents and heaters are not blocked, but your heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system will thank you (and your living room will feel warmer!). This will keep your HVAC system running efficiently and make you more comfortable.

Are you ready for more energy savings?

Upgrade your entertainment system

Step up your family-movie-night by investing in ENERGY STAR certified Audio/Visual products. You can kick back, relax and enjoy your popcorn knowing that these products save 45% more energy than traditional models.

Be a fan of ceiling fans

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No autographs needed for this celebrity! Invest in an ENERGY STAR certified ceiling fan and save 60% more energy compared to traditional models. Not only will you be able to light up the room, you can also save on HVAC costs by changing the rotation of your fan depending on the season. Set it to spin counter clockwise in the summer and clockwise in the winter to keep your home at a comfortable temperature.

Learn more and connect with us

Looking for more tips on energy efficiency? Follow ENERGY STAR Canada on TwitterFacebookPinterest and LinkedIn to maximize your energy savings and get the latest on energy-efficient products.

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