Halogen lightbulbs are now banned across Europe, replaced by more energy efficient bulbs. Retailers are permitted to sell off existing stock, and consumers can still use their halogen bulbs until they run out; but as of September 1st, 2018, retailers have only been able to restock with more energy efficient alternatives, such as LEDs.
Less halogens, less emissions

Halogen lamps, while providing bright and high quality lighting, use a large amount of energy, which is mostly wasted in the form of heat. LEDs generally use one-sixth the energy of halogen bulbs and typically last 20 times longer. It is estimated that the phasing out of halogens in Europe will avoid more than 15 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions a year, an amount equal to greenhouse gas emissions from over 3 million passenger cars driven for one year.
LEDs vs. halogens: can you tell the difference?
LED technology is now better than ever and LED bulbs come in many different shapes and sizes. Designed to fit traditional incandescent and halogen fittings, today's LEDs look very similar to halogen and conventional incandescent bulbs. This means you can still have your sleek, stylish incandescent-style lights, while using significantly less energy.
With the dramatic comparisons stacking up, it's little wonder halogen bulbs are no longer needed, and are being phased out by governments around the world.
Goodbye to halogens in Canada too…
Regulations like those in Europe set minimum performance standards for energy-using products, moving the marketplace towards greater energy efficiency. This ultimately reduces greenhouse gas emissions, saves consumers and businesses money on energy bills, and in the case of the shorter-life halogen lights, keeps tons of products out of landfills.
Here in Canada, standards removing the majority of incandescent and halogen lamps from store shelves came into effect in the Province of Quebec in January 2019, and will be enacted in British Columbia and Ontario in January 2020.