Heating equipment for residential use

It’s important to remember the cost of energy to operate a product over its lifetime is just as important as its purchase price. For heating equipment, operating costs are calculated by factoring in how many days during the year you need to heat, the fuel type and price, and equipment efficiency.

Make the switch to ENERGY STAR certified equipment to cut your utility bill and reduce your carbon footprint. All ENERGY STAR certified products are tested to meet strict efficiency standards and are certified by an independent third party. They perform the same as or better than standard products without compromising performance in any way.

Get ENERGY STAR certified heating equipment

The following ENERGY STAR certified products are available in Canada.


Maintaining the equipment in your home

Get multiple quotes

When buying a new home heating system or components, you should always get at least 3 separate quotes and ask your contractor to calculate the heat requirements for your home to make sure your furnace is sized properly.

Service annually

Have your heating system serviced annually. The best time to service your unit is at the end of the summer, prior to the start of the next heating season.

Clean filters regularly

Clean or replace filters regularly (look at your owner’s manual for the most precise information).

EnerGuide label

How to pick the most energy efficient heating equipment

Canadians’ home heating

Canada's cold climate means that space heating accounts for a remarkable 63.6% of the energy used in the average Canadian home.

Distribution of residential energy use in Canada 2016 by activity

Distribution of residential energy use in Canada 2019

Text version

Residential energy use in Canada by activity

A pie chart representing energy consumed in the average Canadian home is divided into five sections: Space heating 63.6%; Water heating 17.2%; Appliances 14.1%; Lighting 3.5%; and Space cooling 1.6%.

Regulated home heating appliances

Canada’s Energy Efficiency Regulations establish minimum performance standards for energy efficiency and help eliminate the least efficient products from the Canadian marketplace. Electric boilers, electric furnaces, gas fireplaces and electric heaters are regulated but are not eligible for ENERGY STAR certification.

Many types of heating equipment must meet minimum energy efficiency standards as regulated under Canada’s Energy Efficiency Regulations. See more information about the regulations that help eliminate the least efficient products from the Canadian market.

The ENERGY STAR name and symbol are trademarks registered in Canada by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and are administered and promoted by Natural Resources Canada.