Improving energy efficiency improves the bottom line
The cost of energy is one of the costs of doing business. However, you can lower this operating cost significantly by improving energy efficiency at your facility.
In Canada, space heating (56.6 percent) and space cooling (4.9 percent) equipment account for half of the energy used in commercial and institutional operations. Auxiliary equipment, such as computers, is the second biggest user at 14.9 percent—and increasing year after year because of the need for new technologies.

Source: Distribution of commercial/institutional energy use in Canada 2017, Natural Resources Canada
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A pie chart representing energy consumed used in commercial and institutional operations is divided into seven sections: space heating 56.6%; water heating 5.7%; auxiliary equipment 14.9%; auxiliary motors 3.8%; lighting 13.5%; space cooling 4.9% and street lighting 0.7%.
Note: Auxiliary equipment includes stand-alone equipment powered directly from an electrical outlet, e.g. computers, desktop lamps and refrigerators, and equipment powered by natural gas, propane or other fuels, e.g. clothes dryers and cooking appliances.
Buy ENERGY STAR® for high efficiency

Look for the ENERGY STAR symbol. It identifies high efficiency products that meet stringent technical specifications. These products are typically in the top 15 to 30 percent of the market in energy performance.
See the list of ENERGY STAR certified products available in Canada.
Product profiles
Get more information about energy performance for a wide range of products that are ENERGY STAR certified or regulated by Canada's Energy Efficiency Regulations. The profiles include information on energy efficiency and tips for that product. See all products available at the Product profiles section of the website.
You can also go directly to: Dry-type transformers, Electric motors, Appliances for commercial use or Heating and cooling equipment for commercial use.
To compare product models use our searchable product list.
Industrial equipment
Always consider energy efficiency, even when buying products that are neither regulated nor eligible for ENERGY STAR certification in Canada. Here are product profiles for some such equipment: arc welding; compressed air systems; pumps; battery chargers.
More broadly, energy management involves not just energy-using products and equipment but your whole operation and facility.
Look at the Buildings section of our website for comprehensive information, publications and training workshops on energy efficiency in buildings, including subjects such as: energy management best practices, and energy benchmarking with ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager.
Look at the Industry section of our website for information, reports, training workshops and networking opportunities in industrial facilities and processes. Learn about the Canadian Industry program for Energy Conservation (CIPEC).
The ENERGY STAR name and symbol are trademarks registered in Canada by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and are administered and promoted by Natural Resources Canada.