Pinch Analysis

Process integration is a highly effective approach to improving the energy efficiency of large and complex industrial facilities with energy-intensive systems.

CanmetENERGY promotes the use of Pinch Analysis, a process integration technique, as an efficient way to reduce energy consumption in complex industrial processes that use large amounts of energy. Through its comprehensive and systematic approach, Pinch Analysis has proven to be particularly effective in meeting the challenges of:

  • Reducing operating costs
  • Improving energy efficiency
  • Reducing gas emissions and environmental impacts
  • Increasing production capacity
  • Optimizing investment use

What is Pinch Analysis?

Pinch Analysis is a comprehensive method of analysis, based on thermodynamic principles, that was developed for the design of highly energy efficient processes. By considering all the energy flows in a given process, it can determine what the minimum energy consumption would be in the presence of optimal heat recovery. This information is very useful as it allows comparing a plant’s current energy use with its targeted minimum consumption, therefore identifying the true potential for energy savings. More specifically, Pinch Analysis can:

  • Determine the optimal energy consumption level for a given process as well as the potential for improvement through better heat recovery
  • Identify heat recovery projects as a means to reduce energy consumption
  • Identify the potential for cogeneration and the possible uses for heat pumps
  • Identify water use reduction projects resulting in energy savings

To learn more about Pinch Analysis: