50001 Ready Canada recognition process

The 50001 Ready Canada program recognizes facilities that demonstrate energy management leadership and energy performance improvement. Achieving the 50001 Ready designation requires facilities to self-attest to the structure of the ISO 50001 energy management standard and to measure and report energy performance improvement. 50001 Ready Canada provides facilities with the framework and tools to implement a structured energy management system, continuously improve energy performance and track their progress.

The 50001 Ready Navigator tool (Navigator tool) is an integral part of the 50001 Ready Canada recognition program. The Navigator tool is an online application that helps you become 50001 Ready recognized by guiding you through 25 tasks grouped into 7 categories that align with the ISO 50001 energy management system standard. Recognition for 50001 Ready Canada does not require any third-party audits or certification and there is no cost to applicants.

The process for participating in the 50001 Ready Canada program is described briefly below. The Ready Canada program and ways to promote your organization’s successful 50001 Ready recognition is described in detail in the downloadable 50001 Ready Canada recognition guide (PDF, 5.45 MB).

The 50001 Ready Canada program application process

Text version
  1. Add project to Navigator tool: The first step is to create an account in the Navigator tool. Then create a project name and enter the project into the tool.
  2. Complete the 25 Tasks: Using the Navigator tool as a guide, complete all 25 tasks. Have your senior management representative sign the simple Self-attestation Form  to confirm all tasks in the Navigator are complete.
  3. Submit Application: The application process requires the completion of the 25 tasks, a signed Self-attestation Form and documentation of your facility’s energy usage and improvement using the Energy Performance Improvement Report  (EPIR). Once these requirements are met your project is eligible to receive 50001 Ready Canada recognition!
  4. Review Application: Once Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) receives the Self-attestation Form and the EPIR, submitted through the Navigator tool by the facility’s project manager, NRCan’s 50001 Ready Canada program administrators perform a detailed review of the application. If there are questions about the application, NRCan will follow up directly with the application contact.
  5. Approve Application: When the required criteria are met as described above, the application will be approved in the Navigator tool.
  6. Send Recognition Package: When a 50001 Ready application is approved, NRCan will notify the facility contact and prepare a recognition package that includes an official congratulatory letter and a 50001 Ready Canada recognition certificate.
  7. Update Registry: Approved facilities are added to the 50001 Ready Canada registry on the NRCan website. This page will be updated monthly beginning early 2023.
  8. Yearly Recognition Renewal: The 50001 Ready designation is valid for one year from the date issued. Facilities will have the opportunity to renew their designation twice, each for one-year terms. At the third year, facilities are asked to begin the process again by re-attesting to the 25 tasks and applying for a new designation.

The Energy Performance Improvement Report and Self-attestation Form must be submitted with your application. Download these forms to see what’s required for participation in the 50001 Ready Canada program. In order to access 50001 Ready Canada, you will need to leave the Natural Resources Canada's website:

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Contact the 50001 Ready Team

If you have questions about the 50001 Ready Canada recognition program or the Navigator tool, please contact us at 50001ready@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca.

Learn more about the 50001 Ready Canada program

Learn about ISO 50001